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hello gentlemen, looking for a recommendation between 3 blades for my next purchase

hello, gentlemen,,,

i am hard press of choosing between the rapira platinum lux or the rapira teflon coated,,, not sure of the shaving difference or the noticeable difference in the blades,,, also, whether, Polsilver Super Iridiums blades would be an even better purchase then the rapira blades.

also, i notice the rapira blades advertize "swedish" blades while i see Russian font on the packaging?????

are they two separate Rapira blades being produced,,, Swedish & Russian?

thank you,,
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Of course Polsilver Super Iridiums would be the best purchase.
Talking about Rapira, I like the simple Rapira Stainless in the pink, blue, black package. Extremely cheap and very nice blades.
I believe the "Swedish" on the label refers to the steel used, not where it was made.

Which Rapira is teflon coated?
These are "Voskhod".

Yep. The seller just put "Rapira" in the title so the listing would show up in more searches.

My vote is for the Voskhod. They're my top blade. I'm testing the Rapira Platinum Lux right now and they're just not doing it for me.

With blades, however, performance varies so much from person to person and from razor to razor, that we're just taking guesses. If you're interested in all three, try all three.
thanks,, guys,, i kinda was able to come to a similiar conclusion about the Rapira mislabeling..

thanks, guys, much appreciated,
Of course Polsilver Super Iridiums would be the best purchase.
Talking about Rapira, I like the simple Rapira Stainless in the pink, blue, black package. Extremely cheap and very nice blades.
Just goes to show how one man's meat is another man's poison. I tried a Polsilver SI recently in both my DE89 and R41 and didn't find it to be particularly smooth or enjoyable to use. Love the Rapira SS and I'd have that every day of the week over a Polsilver. I'm coming to the conclusion that the St Petersburg blades just don't agree with me. I've tried Astra SP, 7OC yellow, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette Platinum, Gillette Rubie, Gillette Bleue Extra, Polsilver SI and Perma Sharp Supers and for me they are all distinctly average or worse apart from the Perma Sharps which I like a lot.
From the Moscow factory I've tried the Voskhod, Sputnik and Rapira SS and really like all three of these.

EDIT: Oops, looks like I've been a bit dumb and the Sputniks are a St Petersburg blade? I just assumed that as they were part of the same variety pack that they were all by the same manufacturer :facep:
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Voskhod is hard to beat. It is a smoother Astra blade.

the Rapira Swedish super steel blades are nice too. Not as smooth as Voskhod but very nice none the less

Two weeks ago I would have said the Voshkod hands down. I have almost 300 of them. But, I just received 200 Polisilver SI's and I am really liking them so far. I only have either 3 or 4 shaves under my belt with one...can't remember but all on the same blade, different razors and smooth as silk. I got a heck of a deal on the 200 blades, so if they work out like I think they will this will be my 3rd blade that I am in love with and want to stock up on, along with the Voshkod and the Gillette Silver Blue. I also have 100 Astra's since they are so smooth and comfortable in almost every razor. Seems that the St. Pete blades REALLY agree with me.

I need to get my hands on some of those Perma Sharp Super's it sounds like. My face doesn't react well to just stainless steel blades. They need to be coated with something, teflon, platinum chrome, pixie dust...something.

Here's my recommendation. Buy the 100 Voshkods. Also buy 100 Polisilver SI's. My bet is you love them both. If not, you can sell the rest here and make most of your money back.
I don't like any of them really well. Voskhod first, Rapira Lux second. But for Russian blades, my favorite by far is the Gillette Yellow.
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I had one great shave with the Rapira---shave #2 was fine, but not that pleasant.

The Voskhod is easily one of my favorite blades.
Just goes to show how one man's meat is another man's poison. I tried a Polsilver SI recently in both my DE89 and R41 and didn't find it to be particularly smooth or enjoyable to use. Love the Rapira SS and I'd have that every day of the week over a Polsilver. :facep:

I'm another one who had bad experiences with Polsilvers. Good luck for me too as they are not cheap. Voskhod Teflon and Rapira Lux are excellent blades. I'm now having trouble distinguishing the shave between the two, but I tend to think the Voskhod Teflon are smother.
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