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Head Shave Report



Razors I have used:

Weishi, Fat Handled Tech, Muhle R89 old head, Gillette Old Type, Gillette New Standard, Merkur Progress, Gems(all 3 micromatics and a featherweight), and a PAL injector.

Not worth mentioning also: cartridges, disposables, electrics.

I've ended up with the conclusion that while I prefer DE's with safety bars for my face, for my head I prefer the Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf and Open Comb depending on growth amounts. This is with GEM Stainless Coated blades offcourse. For DE's it seems that open combs with no blade gap work the best.

Also, while I use KMF mint shaving cream for my face with some hot water prep first, for the head no prep dry head with canned gel seems to work best.
I can cut over a weeks growth of head hair this way with no problem.
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