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Head Lamp for Early Morning Runs: Recommendations Requested

I'm an early morning runner. Already my run is completing before the Sun rises. Soon I won't be able to use the hat brim clip on light, because I'll need to switch to a brimless hat for colder weather. Any head lamp recommendations for my run? Thank you.
I just bought one from LLBean. Cheaper than an equivalent lumen name-brand. Seems pretty bright, but I haven't tried to take it outside when it's dark. Bright, medium, dim and flash modes, uses 3 AA's or 3 AAA's (I forget).
29 bucks

You may want to check out Zebralight. They have some AA lights that can be attached to a headband. Fenix also makes a several headlamps, which are cheaper than the Zebralight. For the ultimate in durability there is Surefire (my favorite), but they are much more expensive than either Fenix or Zebralight.
Thank you for the help, friends. I'll take a look at each of these. I appreciate your time.
I use petzel lamps when hiking and climbing, but find that running I do better without a lamp. There is something about my depth perception that is worse with the artificial than with the ambient light of the street or sky.
Enjoy your runs.
When I run early am I usually go lightless. Where I run I have reasonable street light coverage and I wear a reflective vest.

That said I will be very interested to see what works for you.
Petzel Petzel Petzel!!!! I use them on deployments and the batteries last FOREVER....not literally....but a really really really really long time!
I also like the Petzl headlamps, but if you're looking for something a little more affordable and more locally available look for a Princeton Tec. I have one that has a high/low/flash setting, and it also has interchangeable colored lenses (red, blue, and green). I use it when I go rucking early in the morning. Even if there is enough ambient light to see, its still nice to put it on flash so that maybe the vehicle will see me a little easier.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Is this for seeing, or for being seen?

If the former, what about carrying a small flashlight in your hand? That's what I did "back in the day" and found it quite useful ... especially since I could illuminate areas without having to look directly at them ... let me illuminate the first 10' directly in my path almost constantly, and still keep my gaze fixed farther ahead (and my head up) most of the time.

If the latter, high-vis clothing will do a better job generally, and a red blinky light on your backside will be very useful.
Thanks Doc, it's for both. I run on back farm roads that are not lighted. The other users of the roads at this hour are typically contractors flying in the F1/250s on their way into town for some coffee before work, or the next shift of Cornell workers doing the same. I don't think holding a light will work for me, and I wear highly reflective clothing anyway.

This is what I'm leaning towards: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003PQW4LO/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Larry, do what I do.....use nothing. There's no better feeling after a long run than smacking into a giant branch. Really gets you going.
I love my zebra light. I even tie it on my mountain bike sometimes in the deep woods. small and bright.
I'm a bit concerned about becoming a hood ornament, David. And I can't dodge 'em like I use to. . . .

Larry, do what I do.....use nothing. There's no better feeling after a long run than smacking into a giant branch. Really gets you going.
Thanks Doc, it's for both. I run on back farm roads that are not lighted. The other users of the roads at this hour are typically contractors flying in the F1/250s on their way into town for some coffee before work, or the next shift of Cornell workers doing the same. I don't think holding a light will work for me, and I wear highly reflective clothing anyway.

This is what I'm leaning towards: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003PQW4LO/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I always light up when I am on Triphammer Road. :sneaky2:
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