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Have to travel, need advise.

So I have a business trip next month and was thinking about packing up for my shave. I though some members here would have the tried and tested method for traveling. My only baggage will be my carry on.

1. The brush, how to protect it? I found travel tubes on the Westcoastshaving website but they were sold out. Any good methods out there?

2. Can I even bring a DE razor on a flight? My thought is no. Do hotels normally stock these items or is it something you need to search for once you arrive? Should I just bring a disposable? :(

3. Lastly, is a shave stick the way to go for traveling?

I appreciate any advice you guys have.
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For the brush snag a pill bottle from a pharmacy. Usually free, just drill some holes in the cap for ventilation.

The de is OK, just no blades. Depending on where you go you might be able to pick some up or you could get some Bic Metal disposables.
First off, it's 'advice' not 'advise'. :wink2:

But seriously, I usually chuck my brush in a toilet paper roll (what can I say, I'm a classy guy...) and take along a 3-piece Merkur. Just chuck your blades in your checked luggage and you'll be fine. I used to bring a shave stick but usually just bring a small tube of cream these days when I travel. I guess it really depends where you're going and for how long.
First off, it's 'advice' not 'advise'. :wink2:

But seriously, I usually chuck my brush in a toilet paper roll (what can I say, I'm a classy guy...) and take along a 3-piece Merkur. Just chuck your blades in your checked luggage and you'll be fine. I used to bring a shave stick but usually just bring a small tube of cream these days when I travel. I guess it really depends where you're going and for how long.

Thanks for the spelling correction, guess I'm a numbers guy for a reason.
For the brush snag a pill bottle from a pharmacy. Usually free, just drill some holes in the cap for ventilation.

The de is OK, just no blades. Depending on where you go you might be able to pick some up or you could get some Bic Metal disposables.

The pill bottle idea is nice. That's one down.
Shave sticks are great for traveling. Valobra in particular is one of the top soaps out there, but there are lots of choices.

The best thing about a stick is that, since it is soap, it doesn't need to go into the bag with all the liquids and creams. Makes security a bit easier.

Alternatively, you can pick up the small tube of Proraso from B&BW (which I think is the right size), or fill up a travel-size bottle with your favorite cream.
If you are only bringing carry-on luggage and you can't be certain you can find DE blades at your destination, you will have to bring a disposable. You can find single blade or multi-blade disposables. You won't be happy with any of them, so buy the cheapest.

Bring the best shave cream you have (to combat the cruddy disposable razor). I highly recommend Proraso for travel, because it works almost just as well without a brush at all!!! Just rub a little on your wet face before each pass. You can buy small travel containers that are TSA approved from many brick and mortar stores. Just bring enough shave cream for your trip.

Same with the AS/ASB...decant some of your favorite in a small travel container. Personally, I think it is easier to decant and use a small bottle of ASB because it doesn't spill all over the place like an AS.

If you have all this and your shaves are subpar, try using the hotel's hair conditioner as a pre-shave. It will help.

EDIT: In the spirit of full disclosure...I just followed my own advice on a business trip and ended up with the worst razor burn ever. I don't know what went wrong. I used a single blade disposable (Bic Sensitive) and Proraso sans brush. Both of these have worked well for me in the past, not sure why it didn't work for me today. I guess the moral of the story is don't rush or expect BBS when you're traveling and using subpar equipment (like disposable razor).
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Cream samplers from some of the vendors make good travel items. Probably won't have to worry about the water as much with creams. I have been using a shave stick lately, grab a bottle of water at the hotel if the water is horrid.

Since your only baggage is your carry on, I would be more inclined to take a dependable cartridge than tempt fate. At least I don't think I would want to tempt fate with the razors I have. Blades may or may not be easy to find where you are going. Unless you get lucky and go somewhere with other B&B members and end up with blades heh.

If you have a Container Store near by, I recently got some small tubes that hold a travel brush from there for like $1. They also had some containers I use from creams. Short of that the pull bottle idea is great. In a pinch, a PVC tube and some end caps might do, but that always looks like an IED...
To combat the blade situation. If you know where you are going and where you are staying, you can always have blades mailed to you. Then you can be like James bond and ask if you have a package for you when you check in. Believe me, the people at the front desk will wonder about it ;)
If you bowl lather, you will need - a bowl. I've tried just about everything that you can find in a hotel room, but now I use one of those squishy camping bowls. Probably not worth getting for a single trip, but a useful item for frequent fliers. Can be used to protect a camera or other item in a suitcase.
I'll be traveling in a few weeks and have been giving some thought to this, too.

For a travel tube, I'm planning to buy a short piece of PVC pipe at the hardware store, then cut it to length. I'll glue a cap on one end and ask the store to thread the other (they usually will for a few bucks) and buy a threaded cap. Shouldn't be more than $10. I'll also drill a few holes in the tube so it doesn't get mildew or mold inside.

I'm planning to take a shave stick for soap.

I'll either order a stainless surgical prep bowl or pick up a small stainless mixing bowl at the store. Figure I can lather in that and possibly float it in a hotel ice bucket full of hot water for a makeshift scuttle.

I'm taking the DE, and I'm going to mail a few blades to the hotel I'm staying at. No way am I going to use a disposable or a cartridge, dammit.
I'm flying out next week to a business conference.
No checked bag only a carry on.
I've opted for a disposable razor (sadly it's an M3) and my regular travel setup.
It'll be a hard few days away from my DE, but when I come back I'll be in shave heaven. Sometimes you have to go through a dark tunnel before you see the light (and truly appreciate it).
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While all of the above posters recommendations are good, valid options, here's another one: get yourself a Bump Fighter handle and some Trac II (or Personna Twin II clone) cartridges. I travel quite a bit, and this is my setup; it's very TSA-friendly, being a cartridge.

The Bump Fighter handle is nicely made and quite heavy (it's some kind of metal with a rubber grip). The Trac II is a non-pivoting head, and delivers a near-DE shave with little to no irritation. Check out reviews of both of these products in our review section. Just don't try to use the blades that come with the BF handle - they're totally useless.
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1. The brush, how to protect it?

2. Can I even bring a DE razor on a flight? My thought is no. Do hotels normally stock these items or is it something you need to search for once you arrive? Should I just bring a disposable? :(

3. Lastly, is a shave stick the way to go for traveling?

Advice from a 25-year globe-trotting road warrior:

1) Pill bottle (punch holes in top) or empty toilet paper roll. Let brush dry as much as possible prior to packing.

2) Razor = YES. BLADES = NO! Hotels (in the USA) do not stock DE blades.

If you know where you are staying, mail yourself some blades at least one week in advance, addressed as follows:

Hold for [Your Name]
Checking in: [Check-in Date]
Hotel Name
Hotel Address

3) Never used a shave stick, so I can't offer any comments.

If you end up checking a bag, then you can put your blades in the checked baggage.

Travel Safe,

For a travel tube, I'm planning to buy a short piece of PVC pipe at the hardware store, then cut it to length. I'll glue a cap on one end and ask the store to thread the other (they usually will for a few bucks) and buy a threaded cap. Shouldn't be more than $10. I'll also drill a few holes in the tube so it doesn't get mildew or mold inside.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Save yourself $10, the time & effort, and weight--as a number of others have already mentioned, stop by your local pharmacy and ask for a pill bottle that will hold your brush.

I did this a couple weeks ago, and the local CVS gladly donated a bottle to the cause. With a drill, I put in a number of holes around the top of the bottle, just below the lid, for ventilation. (I fill the pill bottle halfway with water and soak my brush in it, hence putting the holes near the top.)

Speick shave stick works well for me and is inexpensive.

Turn a plastic 35mm film canister into a travel guard for the head of the razor.

+1 for mailing the DE blades to the hotel.
I prefer soap, so I melted down some Col. Conk's and poured it into a small round pill container. It works flawlessly.
Checked Bag:
Bring it all! No restrictions (within reason)

Carry-on Only:
1 Disposable razor to tide you over until you find blades
Mail blades to your hotel marked Leave at Desk for Check In on <Date>, or
Find blades at local pharmacy, Bed Bath & Beyond, or super store
Any hard soap or shave stick you wish (no size limit)
Any shave cream in a tube or container less than 100 ml
Brush in a vented pill bottle or travel tube
Any liquids, gels or creams all under 100 ml each and all fit in a single quart-sized bag

Since most hotels in USA do not carry DE blades, I have been leaving my leftovers at the front desk so they can give to other customers that may ask for them later. Or mail them back home.
It's easy to get everything through security. They dont rip apart your bags or anything at the airport, contrary to common belief.

The last time I was returning on a business trip from ATL to Los Angeles, I was stuck in traffic going to the airport and still had to return a car when I got there. I arrived within 45 min of take off and it was too late to check any bags.

The next plane wasnt until 10pm.

I threw caution to the wind and threw my massive suitcase up on the security belt to try and get it through as a carry on. This was at 8am, if I missed my plane due to not being able to check my suitcase, it would have been 10pm for the next flight.

I had a full speick asb, feather portable, and a full pack of feather blades. Not to mention a bottle of shampoo, hair gel, toothpaste, etc. Nothing was regulation size, but it was put in the bottom. This bag was so big I had to cram it into the xray machine.

Went through no problem.

When I got to the gate, they looked at me in shock with this massive carry on suitcase. It was packed to the brim and there was not a chance it would fit under a seat or overhead, even if they were empty. I was the last person on board and everything was full, they checked it in for me and put it under the plane :thumbup1:

Whew! They shut the door behind me, I sat in the seat, and literally 5 minutes later they began takeoff. That was the closest call I have ever had catching a plane.

Long story short, everything made it through ok. I wasnt asked a single question, and this was in the busiest int'l airport in the U.S.
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It's easy to get everything through security. They dont rip apart your bags or anything at the airport, contrary to common belief.

The last time I was returning on a business trip from ATL to Los Angeles, I was stuck in traffic going to the airport and still had to return a car when I got there. I arrived within 45 min of take off and it was too late to check any bags.

The next plane wasnt until 10pm.

I threw caution to the wind and threw my massive suitcase up on the security belt to try and get it through as a carry on. This was at 8am, if I missed my plane due to not being able to check my suitcase, it would have been 10pm for the next flight.

I had a full speick asb, feather portable, and a full pack of feather blades. Not to mention a bottle of shampoo, hair gel, toothpaste, etc. Nothing was regulation size, but it was put in the bottom. This bag was so big I had to cram it into the xray machine.

Went through no problem.

When I got to the gate, they looked at me in shock with this massive carry on suitcase. It was packed to the brim and there was not a chance it would fit under a seat or overhead, even if they were empty. I was the last person on board and everything was full, they checked it in for me and put it under the plane :thumbup1:

Whew! They shut the door behind me, I sat in the seat, and literally 5 minutes later they began takeoff. That was the closest call I have ever had catching a plane.

Long story short, everything made it through ok. I wasnt asked a single question, and this was in the busiest int'l airport in the U.S.

Please don't admit to or advocate breaking the law. Carrying blades on board aircraft is a serious no-no, and my shave kit gets checked by TSA routinely when I travel, even if it's in my checked luggage. I either mail blades ahead, or purchase them when I get there.

Smaller airports seem more thorough on taking my baggage apart. I agree with you that Hartsfield isn't the model of efficiency or security, but that's not a reason to flout the rules.
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