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Harris Marlborough AS?

So, I like my Marlborough soap so much I'm thinking of picking up the aftershave. The problem, however, is that a lot of splashes bother my skin if they don't have some skin care ingredients to counter the alcohol. Can anyone tell me where Marlborough is on the harshness continuum? I don't want t drop the coin on it without any additional information.

Sorry I cannot help you with an answer. I have the same questions as you do about the a/s splash. I LOVE Marlborough soap. One of my absolute favourites. The scent, the lather, etc. I will give you my experience with one of Harris' other splashes, Arlington. I grabbed this one up at a flea market and was immediately NOT impressed. To be honest, it was just fair in scent(lasting power), performance, and overall efficacy. However, the Arlington scent is quite nice so I didn't give up on it. I detect some sort of cooling agent in the Arlington which I don't care for. I cannot decide if it is menthol or just what. It does not smell of menthol but I still don't like the slight cooling effect it gives. At least it is not a burner or at least for me anyway. I recently posted a thread with my experiment of adding 1/2 tsp. of aloe juice to the bottle. An improvement and the aloe makes the scent last a bit longer than its normal whisper length sillage. I am not convinced this brand of a/s splash is worth the big dollars. I found mine for six dollars at a flea market. I would not pay the near $40 retail. I just wouldn't. To be perfectly fair, this has been my experience with just about ALL major brands of a/s splash. I don't care if it is one of the big three T's or whoever. Most of their a/s splashes are nothing but perfumer's alcohol with some scent components added. Now that I have said all that, I suspect someday a bottle of Marlborough splash will adorn the shave shack. I just enjoy the scent too much to ignore it forever.:redface::redface:

Regards, Todd
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