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Hand stropping?

I wouldn't do that. You're just asking to cut yourself that way. The DE blades aren't nearly as expensive as the cartridge blades. Just throw them out when you're done instead of stropping.
I hand strop my SE blades most of the time. Every Ted Pella blade gets stropped before the first use, since they tend to be a little rough if I don't. After that, I don't have any proof that the stropping has any effect, but I still like to do it. Kind of like always putting my right sock on first. I don't know what will happen if I don't, but it's bound to be bad:lol:


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I hand strop my SE blades most of the time. Every Ted Pella blade gets stropped before the first use, since they tend to be a little rough if I don't. After that, I don't have any proof that the stropping has any effect, but I still like to do it. Kind of like always putting my right sock on first. I don't know what will happen if I don't, but it's bound to be bad:lol:

Do you strop just like the video showed? Twice on each side of the blade?
I strop both my DEs and SEs just like in the video. However, I only do it prior to first use. I find that if I don't, I get a little irritation from the blade. After first use, I don't notice any difference.

My face doesn't get along with some blades at all (Dorcos) - even with hand stropping. If I absolutely need to use them, I use a cork and pass the cutting edge through the cork at a very shallow depth, one pass per edge. This treatment will at least make them serviceable for my face. (Reminder to self: Just PIF these away to someone who likes them.)

I have a couple of times and quite honestly couldn't tell any difference. I have been tinkering with using an actual leather strop on the carbon steel blades, but that's in it's early stages so I don't really know how much it helps. Thanks to DonOhio, who hasn't been here for awhile, for suggesting this last summer.

Interesting. Thanks HT. Do you strop your SE's HT?
Do you strop just like the video showed? Twice on each side of the blade?

I will do 4-6 on each side. Again, no real reason why. It just feels right.

I have a couple of times and quite honestly couldn't tell any difference. I have been tinkering with using an actual leather strop on the carbon steel blades, but that's in it's early stages so I don't really know how much it helps. Thanks to DonOhio, who hasn't been here for awhile, for suggesting this last summer.

I use carbon steel (PAL mostly) when I modify a blade for my Auto-Strops. I find stropping on the leather helps quite a bit. I notice a pretty big difference in smoothness if I don't.
I use carbon steel (PAL mostly) when I modify a blade for my Auto-Strops. I find stropping on the leather helps quite a bit. I notice a pretty big difference in smoothness if I don't.

Yeah, I know you've had pretty good experience stropping the PAL's. I got a strop a while back and have been trying it out. I had a Blue Star that had three shaves on it that I "practised" on with less than stellar results. I think I may have stropped it too much, but I'm looking forward to trying it a few more times. I may be calling you for advice.
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