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Haircut, Bikinis, and a Beer - Greatest barber shop of all time?

Ok, so I feel silly about posting this, but it's such a different idea I had to.

Bikini Beach Cutz

So apparently the gimmick is that all of the stylists are attractive women in bikinis and you get an ice-cold beer included with the price of a haircut.

I can see it now: "Honey, why are you late home from work?" "I had to stop for a haircut! Honest!" "Mmhmm. Sure you did!"
There was a place near Sacramento, Ca. where girls in bikinis washed trucks. My wife never would let me get ours washed there.
We have a place somewhat similar to this around here called "Knockouts".

The only place I've ever seen them advertised is on the wall above urinals.
For an extra five bucks, my barber Cletus will strip down to Speedos while he levels out your flattop. He just drinks the cold beer himself, but he might give you a sip if you'd ask. Just be careful you don't get the spit can.
For an extra five bucks, my barber Cletus will strip down to Speedos while he levels out your flattop. He just drinks the cold beer himself, but he might give you a sip if you'd ask. Just be careful you don't get the spit can.

We have a shop near us right next to my bike shop that gives a beer for every cut. This is by no means a nice barber shop but it is probably the only one in town you can get a wet shave. I have always wanted to go in and ask the owner if a man brings his underage son for a cut does the father get his beer too? The owner would probably do the bikini thing too but she would need to hire someone for that, she could possibly drive customers away. :lol:
There used to be a barbershop in a certain state capital, not far from the various seats of government, that had very bubbly and very jiggly ladies cutting hair rather badly and cooing over their customers rather effectively.

My father and I had our hair cut there once, but we each went separately. Here is our conversation on the subject:

POP: So, what did you do after school today?

ME: I went and got a haircut down at that place you went the other day.

POP: (Silence, for about two minutes) So, is that place a cathouse, or what?

ME: (Silence, for about two minutes) I think so.

POP: (Silence, for about two minutes) I need some Rogaine.
Cuz <Insert deity of your choice here> forbid an attractive woman cut your hair. Everyone knows barbers should only be crotchety old me with a tremor in his hands. :001_rolle
This reminds me of a story. Shortly after I got married one of my co-workers and his roommate (both healthcare professionals, pharmacists to be exact) became friends with two young ladies whose primary income was derived from entertainment in the form of dancing at an expensive establishment in town. They made a ton of cash. One of them was a beautician by trade and her day job was giving hair cuts, mostly to men (surprisingly). It was a pretty clever gig actually because she would go to your office, home, wherever and avoided paying for a chair at a salon or barbershop so it was almost pure profit other than gas and car maintenance. And it was convenient for her customers as well.

Well every so often they'd go to my friends house on a night off and give them both haircuts. While they were not ... uh ... shy .... they did not provide extra entertainment during these haircut sessions (even though I suspect my friend would have gladly compensated them for it). Anyway they always asked if I wanted to come over and get a haircut, my wife could even come along, but for some reason she never would let me go... :thumbdown :001_tongu
A few years back when I lived in Springfield, IL. they had a place like this. It was one of those things that sound good on paper but not always good in practice. I went for a haircut a couple of time because it was close to the girlfriends work (she was the one that told me I should try them). The bad thing they only served cans of beer and it was hard to keep the hair out of the beer:thumbdown. The haircut was good:biggrin1:, the sports on the TV’s was good:biggrin1: and the eye candy was good:thumbup:.
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