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hair transplant

Honestly, we don't even know what this guy looks like.
Big noses and thickish eye brows? You're going to look like a straight weirdo. If you're married, make sure you treat her right before it all goes. If you don't have a wife, find one and make sure she loves you before it all goes, because if you have those two things going against you and you're going bald?...heh...well..............

That and hit the gym, nothing...NOTHING worse than an out of shape bald person, but if you're muscled up, you can say you use it for aerodynamics when you swoop in on the ladies.
I got a few years on you, but I never minded my hair falling out.
I just buzz my head with a zero guard once a week.
I've saved some serious cash not paying for haircuts.
+1. This is my routine as well. I was about the same age as the OP when mine started falling out. Shaving it off made me look, like others have said, like I was owning my baldness.
I'm 60 years old now and almost totally bald on top, having started to lose my hair in my early twenties.

I can say, in all honesty, that it has never worried me one iota - I just keep it very short with clippers. I realise that we're all different, but I just don't understand those that worry about this.

I have had two kidney transplants though and believe me they are really worth having.
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