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H.L. Thater Premium Boar Brushes


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I believe that Buddha did say exactly that. We recall though that Buddha was a prince so money was no object. He just used his daddy's credit card.

Happy shaves,

My Thater definitely has more backbone than both my SOC boars. It also takes twice as long as the SOC to build lather.
I really don't want to go out and purchase another boar brush for comparison purposes, but my top of the line boar standard is the Whipped Dog Boar knot. Any of you guys have one to compare?
Another great shave today with my Thater and some Arko. That with my ATT SE1 equals one great shave. I haven't used a boar brush regularly in awhile but I have been using this one a lot lately.

I used mine with some CF lavender and my favorite (and freshly honed) razor. Great shave. I've been using it just about every other day, so I can compare it with my other boars. I think I like the big Omega pro 98(?) a bit more, but the jury is still out . . . .
I find that interesting.

I don't have an Omega 49, but it is an Omega "Professional." If it's like the tall Omega Professionals people write about I don't hear them called scrubby or stiff. I hear they're paint brushes . . .

Oops. I forgot why mine are scrubby and stiff. O-rings :001_302:

2018-01-13 20.43.26.jpg
I just leave them. My brushes usually get several days, at least, to dry before they're up again. It shouldn't be any different from a deep set knot, my guess.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I find not soaking it for more than 30 secs., leaves the brush with good backbone and plenty soft. Best boar brush I have even used and should improve with use. I have used many Boars including Semogue and Omega. Always wanted a shorter loft boar brush for less paintbrush sloppy soft feel. The Thater has--- that not a paintbrush not sloppy feel-- in Spades, IMHO! Nice handle too! Worth the price to me!

What's being described her is what I wanted, and what I expected because of numerous reviews much like this one. It's not like the reviewer is experiencing his first boar.

I love the brush, but I was hoping for more a bit more backbone. It is luxurious. The hairs started to explode, not split, after the third wash. It holds a boat load of lather, but doesn't fling it all over the bathroom. Zero scritch, and when pressed and splayed it feels wonderful. Near perfect, except I would like a bit of push back.

That was a big clue I missed.

It's designed like a Thäter badger, particularly like a 2-band silvertip fan. I call that "plush" but some people find those badger brushes floppy. It all depends how you use it and what you are expecting. It's nowhere near as stiff as an Omega '49, so if you were expecting that kind of scrubby massage, this brush won't deliver. It's more like a larger SOC than an Omega. I think if you try using a lighter touch and lots of Soap it might grow on you. I think Buddha said "accept the brush for what it is, not for what you want it to be." Or maybe that was my friend Bill. Either way, good luck with it, I hope it ends up working out.

My SOC boar has considerably more backbone than this Thater boar.

I don't mean to say anything negative about anybody who wrote a good review of this floppy brush because what might be right for one person might be wrong for another.

I've not decided what to do with the brush. I may keep it and try to figure out how to use it. It is pretty. It is soft. Maybe I'll sell it.

In any case, the brush is off visiting with a brother who is comparing it with his Thater boar. I want to find out if mine is an atypical dud before I decide what to do with it.

Another option would be to replace the knot. It's not like there are a great many boar replacement knots available, particularly ones to my liking. However, I could find a good two-band I suspect. Perhaps that's wrong because I've not really looked much yet.

Anyway, I'm making sure anyone considering this brush can find at least one guy not happy at all with his spineless, floppy, $85 brush purchase. It's not the money as much as it is the fact that I was clueless about the brush, and I bought into reviews claiming great backbone (Compared to what, I should have asked!). I was so sure this would be a great brush! Of course, it is the money, too, as that money could have been spent on buying several Zenith brushes I know I would have liked better than this Thater.

Anyway, one lives and one learns.

Happy shaves,

Yup, going to order one and it will sit nicely on my shelf next to my Thater 2-band silvertip fan knot beehive in butterscotch!
This was a smart move.
It's a bit unusual to get a boar brush without backbone. Maybe this is why you missed this detail during the purchase.

In any case, the brush is off visiting with a brother who is comparing it with his Thater boar. I want to find out if mine is an atypical dud before I decide what to do with it.
OK, I am giving more details.

I was speaking by the standard of @Chan Eil Whiskers. He wasn't satisfied with the backbone of the brush. I am no expert but my boar brush has a lot of backbone. I think that the consensus here is that boar brushes have a lot of backbones and it would be the last detail to doubt when you get a new boar brush.

But backbone in a brush is YMMW. What is lack of backbone to me, it is not for another user. I read a lot of wonderful comments for a certain brush but I am not of that opinion since I got it.

I don't understand the point you are trying to make. Spell it out please.
Hi all.
I have this Thater Beehive Ivory. Good backbone and nice white knot boar. It took a while to break in but once is whet is amazingly soft. Highly recommended.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
@Chan Eil Whiskers Any update on your friend comparing yours and his side by side?

I don't want to go into detail about the comparison yet (I'm still doing the Fixed Four with a badger brush). I'll wait until I have used the Thater again, probably until I've used it a few times.

My brush has returned from its road trip during which it was compared with another Thater boar and found to be much the same as the other brush in all respects. I am very grateful to my friend for taking the time to investigate my brush and compare it with his Thater and a few of his other boars. I also hope that somehow my brush became broken in an d developed a backbone while traveling.

April will be here soon, and I am planning to use boars a lot during that month.

Happy shaves,

Hi all.
I have this Thater Beehive Ivory. Good backbone and nice white knot boar. It took a while to break in but once is whet is amazingly soft. Highly recommended.
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I have the beehive handle in butterscotch on my 2-band badger (fan knot). Its fantastic. And IF I decide to purchase a boar (I'm looking for a new one) THIS will be the one. Its beautiful. They will look great together side by side on my shelf! :001_smile


I’m not a fan
I've read this whole thread and sorry about your disappointment @Chan Eil Whiskers. I've been eying the Thater Beehive Boar and I'm still interested but this thread has given me a bit of pause.

My favorite boar brush currently is my orange B&B LE from WCS. Anyone have both to compare the two?
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