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Guess that movie

Just remembered I had the last post in the one. Sorry. Didn't mean to kill the thread.

It's "Grave of the Fireflies." Easily one of the saddest movies I've ever seen. Don't bother watching it unless you want to hate life for a while.


Anyway.. someone else's turn!!
Looks like this thread died sometime around February! I pretty much disappeared from it once I created it, but I am very proud to see that it reached 47 pages!! Can I submit it for entry to the longest/longest running thread in B&B history? :eek:

Anyways, since I'm back around a bit more for the holidays I figured I'd try and revive this game. If youre tired of it...well just let it die again. :wink:

here goes (sorry if a repeat. like I said, I havent really participated since I started the game). This one should be easy...especially for our northern neighbors. :tongue:
View attachment $Hamlet.jpg
Looks like this thread died sometime around February! I pretty much disappeared from it once I created it, but I am very proud to see that it reached 47 pages!! Can I submit it for entry to the longest/longest running thread in B&B history? :eek:

Anyways, since I'm back around a bit more for the holidays I figured I'd try and revive this game. If youre tired of it...well just let it die again. :wink:

here goes (sorry if a repeat. like I said, I havent really participated since I started the game). This one should be easy...especially for our northern neighbors. :tongue:
View attachment 14445

Strange Brew!! and Im not even from Canada.. well I been there many times.
"Okay, so howcum at the donut shop there are, like 12 stools and only 4 parking spots?"

"When did you go to the donut shop, hoser?

"Okay, so take off, eh?"

LOVE the McKenzies...didn't like the movie, but loved them on SCTV in the late 70's/early 80's. CLASSIC-- Tim Horton's lives!
"Okay, so howcum at the donut shop there are, like 12 stools and only 4 parking spots?"

"When did you go to the donut shop, hoser?

"Okay, so take off, eh?"

LOVE the McKenzies...didn't like the movie, but loved them on SCTV in the late 70's/early 80's. CLASSIC-- Tim Horton's lives!

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me....a beer..............in a tree.

My girlfriend and I are celebrating the Mystery Days of Christmas this year with cheap funny gifts. Should be a lot of fun. :biggrin:
Here's the rules of the game for those of you who don't know.

This game gets started every once and a while on the Amateur Film board I post on. Thought it would be fun to play here.

The Game:
I will start by posting a screenshot/picture from a movie. The first person to guess the movie gets to post the next picture.

The Rules:
There are basically not too many rules.

  • If you guess, please wait for confirmation that your guess is the correct movie.
  • If the previous winner does not give a confirmation within a day or so, the person with the best guess can feel free to go.
  • Keep it fun. You can post obscure movies, but at least make it something somebody will be able to get.
  • If nobody can guess your movie within a reasonable time, please post a new one.
  • You get bonus points if the picture you post involves shaving:biggrin:
Since no one's replied, I'll throw this one out.

HINT #1: It's a horror movie.
HINT #2: IMHO, it's one of the best ghost stories ever put on film. Truly creepy.

If you get this one, you're good. :wink:
That's "The Haunting" I believe. A superb film.

Whoa ... I'm impressed! BINGO!

...yes, it is a superb film. The use of black & white stock, dutched camera angles and sound effects (especially the sound effects!) all contribute to the creepy atmosphere of this movie.

Of course, the fact that it's based on a story written by Shirley Jackson doesn't hurt either. :wink:

IMHO, if one is filming a ghost story what you don't see is always scarier than what you do....
This one's like "The Haunting"--it's obscure if you don't know the movie, probably easy if you do.

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