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Greek coffee

Well Blessing or curse I married into a Greek family and with Greek families the culture is very intense and very much part of their lives here in the USA so I as the non Greek was not originally well received...... I had to learn to speak Greek, cook traditional Greek food, and along the way her father kind of sort of accepted me and it happened over a cup of Bravo Greek coffee made in a traditional Briki pot and he taught me how to make it which is a art unto itself. This stuff loves to boil over and takes constant watching. Let me tell you it's like jet fuel but tastes amazing !! it had me literally bouncing but is easily my favorite way to enjoy coffee. I was wondering who else out there is down with the Briki ?
Greek, Arabic, Turkish... all essentially the same. Methods, spices, and the kettle vary a bit, but these differences are subtle and usually lost on the uninitiated. (Which includes me.)

But don't say that in the wrong quarter. Wars have started over less. You have seen Gulliver's Travels, haven't you? :wink:

I like the stuff so much, I put in it in the Shavewiki. :biggrin1:
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Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer the traditional pot...... it's hard to describe but for a few reasons including the taste .... I think the tin infuses with the coffee giving it a different taste than the SS newer pot but this may be in my mind.... functionally the fluted top the traditional top makes it easier to know the "cut off" point for heat so it does not boil over. There is also the history and tradition of the pot itself this was handmade in my father in laws village on Kefolonia and was in his family for now over a hundred years so when he gave it to me it was a really big deal, for a Greek to give the family coffee pot to a non greek trust me it is a really big deal.
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Greek, Arabic, Turkish... all essentially the same. Methods, spices, and the kettle vary a bit, but these differences are subtle and usually lost on the uninitiated. (Which includes me.)

But don't say that in the wrong quarter. Wars have started over less. You have seen Gulliver's Travels, haven't you? :wink:

I like the stuff so much, I put in it in the Shavewiki. :biggrin1:

You are seriously not kidding...... I said Turkish coffee ONCE I mean the capitals very very seriously...... you are 110% correct in that part of the world that would start argument that would lead to families and then villages than the whole frekin region in chaos really.
The Wikipedia entry has a guide for the traveller. :wink:

Jordan seems the most politically correct, but it's likely no one else will understand you and you'll be forced have to take a stance.

In Jordan many drive-through coffee shops call it boiled coffee (qahwa ghali, قهوة غلي ) as opposed to the other kind of coffee that is pre-boiled in a big container and continuously heated which is called poured coffee (qahwa sabb, قهوة صب ).
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