Has anyone used greaseless compounds from www.thepolishingshop.co.uk
If so, which ones should I order as I have no idea? Thanks.
If so, which ones should I order as I have no idea? Thanks.
have used the Gray,Green,Blue and pink Menzerna Mini Bars and have found that they work for me when using a dremel.
What kind of finish do you get from using them compounds? Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
Oh ok thanks. Where do you get the rouges from?
Word of advice is not to order in the middle of summer....stuff melts
I would order from there but I'm assuming the postage would be expensive. Thanks though.
Yeah even here in the states it's pretty expensive.
you could also try these in there clearance section
Mini Pack 4 Bars @ only £1.85 and see how they go.
They also sell Mini Polishing Mops which are siutable for the dremel.