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Graham Field month

I have cleared the last of my blades and have the Graham field loaded in my tech how about you all?

... Who's stupid idea was this...oh wait. Well not a good shave but there's a story, the razor pictured is basicly the Graham field blade of razors.. I was hoping that 2 negitives would make a positive but unfortunately this did not occur so... After "pass one" in which no hair was removed I swapped to the rocket HD.

... Who's stupid idea was this...oh wait. Well not a good shave but there's a story, the razor pictured is basicly the Graham field blade of razors.. I was hoping that 2 negitives would make a positive but unfortunately this did not occur so... After "pass one" in which no hair was removed I swapped to the rocket HD.
...at least you stand a chance of survival with the soap and brush. Although you may be in danger of being contacted by corporate lawyers by posting pictures of their products with a Graham-Field TBFH blade...
Round 1 (Again :001_rolle)

J-4 Slim wide open TBFH (new)
Omega S
WSP Formula T Barbershop
Generic witch hazel
Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Head cheek and neck shave

Well on my first blade for the PIF thread the Fatboy did a nice job of making this blade cut, so I figured I would give the Slim a shot.

Just as expected the first WTG pass tugged and pulled, but with shorter strokes it was able to knock down the stubble. Second pass also WTG went much better, still some tugging but not to bad. AT this point with this razor and almost any other blade I should be DFS, but I was more like SAS. I did a full third pass which I almost never do still WTH on the head XTG and a little ATG cleanup on the face. Third pass was much better the razor was even gliding at times. In the end I was able to pull of a DFS. As I found the last time even with all the tugging and pulling there was no irritation, and barely a tingle with the witch hazel or after shave.

I will run this blade through a few more razors this month and report back. It won't be back to back I really feel pretty safe it won't go 31 shaves, so I'll take some breaks in between.
Tabac Stick
Kent Infinity Brush
Fatip Piccolo Razor
Graham Field Blade (TBFH)

My idea was just to get on with the shave without any preconceptions. We all know that blades are in a large YMMV area, no?

The shave started off quite well (short strokes and all that) and I thought "great, this'll be no problem." Things deteriorated rapidly. I just about managed to complete one pass above my jawline. The tugginess increased at an exponential rate; I could track this by inspecting the length of beard hair from where I started to where I finished.

At the start location there was virtually no hair but where I stopped (just at the front of my chin) the hair wasn't much shorter than before using the blade. And boy, did that tugging hurt!

('scuse the Brit/Euro style date arrangement)

Tabac Stick
Kent Infinity Brush
Fatip Piccolo Razor
Personna Red Blade (7)
Tabac AS

The whole rest of the shave with the (used) Personna Red was wonderful. At first it really felt like there was no blade in the razor at all!

When I splash on my AS I usually get a small refreshing tingle. This time, that's what I got below the jaw line, but above (where I'd done the first pass with TBFH) it burned like someone blowtorching my face!

It was only a very short journey, but boy, it's great to be back home again:


Not a bad shave this morning, I wouldn't say it is a close shave but my skill with this blade is improving, it had also been a while since I used proraso but after the last few days I'm back in the swing of it and made a fantastic lather which deffinatly made this mornings shave more pleasant. Not sting from the alum or imperial leather aftershave. Just good times.
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I'm thinking some of you guys are crazy for willingly shaving with a blade you call The Blade From Hell
I have only lasted 3 and a half shaves on one blade. I tried the blade for a 4th time today and I only lasted 2 strokes and immediately stopped and put in a different brand blade to finish my shave. The tugging was pretty tough to handle

Well today is a big one, I have an interview today so obviously only the best gear got used...with one exception.
Today was;
Mitchells wool fat
Whipped dog high mountain badger
Gillette slim set to 9
And of cause the Graham field blade...
I have to say the blade is improving, I did a 3 pass today which got me BBS mostly, alum did its stingy magic and I've got an interview worthy shave, fingers crossed.
[MENTION=91284]Daveho[/MENTION] - so you are using your face to sharpen the blade? Maybe they have a big burr on them that is getting knocked down. Interesting.
Good luck on the interview! If you can shave with this blade, you can do ANYTHING! :thumbup1:
[MENTION=91284]Daveho[/MENTION] - so you are using your face to sharpen the blade? Maybe they have a big burr on them that is getting knocked down. Interesting.
Good luck on the interview! If you can shave with this blade, you can do ANYTHING! :thumbup1:
Thanks for the good luck wishes, as far as the blade goes I'm REALLY hoping there is some sweet spot I'm going to find. Fingers crossed
Well today is a big one, I have an interview today so obviously only the best gear got used...with one exception.
Today was;
Mitchells wool fat
Whipped dog high mountain badger
Gillette slim set to 9
And of cause the Graham field blade...
I have to say the blade is improving, I did a 3 pass today which got me BBS mostly, alum did its stingy magic and I've got an interview worthy shave, fingers crossed.
Great to hear you got a good shave out of it. I think the blade gap and heavy head of the Slim help the blade to cut. Tomorrow I'm going to use a Tech and see how that works for me. I don't expect as good of a shave as the Fatboy and Slim have given me so far, but we'll see.
Great to hear you got a good shave out of it. I think the blade gap and heavy head of the Slim help the blade to cut. Tomorrow I'm going to use a Tech and see how that works for me. I don't expect as good of a shave as the Fatboy and Slim have given me so far, but we'll see.
You may well be right though I will say after using a tech yesterday I have to say that I know we say "no pressure" but...yeah some pressure ;)
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