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Got my Shulton Old Spice AS from India!!

Finally came in towards the end of last week. It comes packaged in a plastic red 100ml bottle. I was hoping for atleast a glass bottle, but you can't win them all I guess.

Now as far as scent compared to P&G's new wave OS, it's not all that much different. Yes, I'm going on record saying there IS a slight difference, but I'm sure the majority around you wouldn't notice it if you wore P&G one day and Shulton the other. So personally, if I ever decide to re-stock on some OS, I'll probably just buy the P&G stuff found at your local drugstore.

Anyone else out there find the stuff from India not different enough than the P&G stuff of nowadays? Most comparisons I've encountered are between vintage OS and P&G.
I bought the fresh lime version and I have really been enjoying it. The 50mL comes in the glass bottle. I plan on buying the 100mL bottle and refilling my glass one when it runs out.

They do sell the glass bottled Fresh Lime here.
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I also got the lime and the musk, all are great. My wife prefers the P&G scent to the Indian Original, she's suggested adding clove to it and see how that turns out.
I plan on trying the Lime and Musk eventually. Thanks for posting the link xillion.
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