I have a slim that is in good working but it has one flaw. With the silo doors closed the adjusting knob will only go up to #3. If I loosen the doors just a little bit then I can dial up and then tighten the silo doors again to secure the blade. I am able to dial down with the silo doors closed. It feels as if something is preventing the bars from going up to adjust the angle of the blade. The center piece inside the handle seems a little loose and has a little play with the silo doors open only. With the silo doors closed everything is tight and secured. The razor is in great shape no rust or brassing so it appears it was not abused or banged up. I can live with it this way, but if there is a way to fix it I would like to repair it.
This is the best way I can explain the flaw. The silo doors open freely and in conjunction with each other. I bought this slim and another slim from the same person. the second slim is in excellent working order, no rust or brassing at all. They are both J-1. I pay an exorbitant amount of money for these razors. The $2.00 I spent for both razors broke my account.
Any ideas, suggestions or comments are apperciated. TIA.
This is the best way I can explain the flaw. The silo doors open freely and in conjunction with each other. I bought this slim and another slim from the same person. the second slim is in excellent working order, no rust or brassing at all. They are both J-1. I pay an exorbitant amount of money for these razors. The $2.00 I spent for both razors broke my account.
Any ideas, suggestions or comments are apperciated. TIA.