I received a revamped Slim J code recently and it seemed to me like the blade gap on my preferred setting was wrong. I checked it against my other two Slims and it was different. My other two Slims have a gap on setting 5 of about .027. The revamp was closer to .032. I wrote to the company and they sent me a shipping label and I returned it for adjustment.
Today I received an email from them saying that setting 1 is .015 and the steps are .005, making setting 5 a .035 gap. So they are sending it back set to that.
That doesn't sound right to me. I've seen several sources online saying the steps are .003 inch. I did see one video of a re-build of a Fatboy where the instructions said to "clock" the razor so the gap was .032 at setting 5, but every other source seems to show .027 as the gap at setting 5 and the change in gap between settings as .003.
Anyone out there have an idea about this?
Today I received an email from them saying that setting 1 is .015 and the steps are .005, making setting 5 a .035 gap. So they are sending it back set to that.
That doesn't sound right to me. I've seen several sources online saying the steps are .003 inch. I did see one video of a re-build of a Fatboy where the instructions said to "clock" the razor so the gap was .032 at setting 5, but every other source seems to show .027 as the gap at setting 5 and the change in gap between settings as .003.
Anyone out there have an idea about this?