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Gillette Slim Adjustments Equivalent to Other Razors?

Here is a question that people on this board may have an opinion on. For an average Slim, what would you correlate the each of the Slim's settings to the aggressiveness of a non-adjustable razor. For example, I think setting #8 is about the same as a Fatip Grande. Setting #4 about the same as a 1950's Tech. #3 about same as the current Lord L6 (I think thats the model). Anybody else have opinions here?
I didn't say it was the answer to every question. Just making sure you had that as a possible resource. I don't know who put it together and have not shaved with The Lord L6 so I wouldn't have any idea. I just saw that the other day and thought I would pass it on just in case it could help. Sorry for it not being helpful.
The Slim at 4 is close to a Edwin Jagger DE89L and my Merkur 180. I believe the Slim at 3 is close to a Superspeed.
I too would question the Lord L6 being any more aggressive than even a Super Adjustable at 3, but there's also more at play than purely blade gap... there's no way it's as agressive as a Super Adjustable at 9 (or Slim at 8) as the chart seems to indicate.
I agree. There is more to aggressiveness than gap alone. In the FAQ I once saw a link to a page that about "ranking of razors by aggressiveness" but the page was blank. Maybe it means its impossible to rank! Or it's purely subject. If somebody posts a "YMMV" here I will throw up in my mouth
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