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Gillette promises new 11 cent blade!

They would rather break down the market for double edged blades which are cheap and mass produced in India. Once they get you hooked, then Gillette will begin trying to sell progressively more expensive models of their razors. :mad3:
Who has time to read old threads? Gillette just came out with an $.11 cartridge! If only someone would post pics...
It's like Microsoft and their "Windows Starter Edition" (which I like to call "exploit the Third World edition"). Third-world countries could legally use Linux, which is better (at least for older, better-supported hardware or applications that don't require specialized, Windows-only apps, both of which are prevalent in the Second- and Third-World countries) and certainly cheaper (unless your workforce has to unlearn Windows, a problem developing economies wouldn't have). However, MS wants the masses hooked so they'll have no other option when their economy develops. P&G is the same way -- get them used to carts now so they'll buy the expensive stuff when they can afford it.
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