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Gillette Guard -- my new favorite

I often wait too long to shave my head. Then for an easy headshave, I have to use electric clippers -- a cordless Beardscape or Andis T-Outlner. (The torque on the plugin Andis causes them to jump when first turned on!)

However, I usually go with wet shaving using a Defender razor, Gillette Fusion, or Mach 3. But lately I've discovered a more effective razor for mowing down hair after I've gone too long without a headshave. The Gillette Guard. It's a cheap plastic razor with refills that is popular in India and is not available in US stores. Being single bladed, it doesn't clog like other razors. It pivots like a modern razor and what's more it's ridiculously cheap, at least in India, I think less than 50 cents.

The best place I've found to get the Guard is on eBay.

Don't get confused. This is NOT Gillette's highly-touted Skin Guard razor which does get clogged and is way less effective.
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