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Gillette New

I had a similar "Holy Cow" experience the first time I tried a well-worn NEW . . . couldn't believe anything that ugly could shave so well. :thumbup1:
I had a similar "Holy Cow" experience the first time I tried a well-worn NEW . . . couldn't believe anything that ugly could shave so well. :thumbup1:

Worn ugly is worn by love. Previous owner(s) loved the shave and used it.

I have an OC old style that is seriously brassed all over. It shaves great!

I shaved with my New this morning and had a great shave as usual. I particularly like it paired with an Iridium or Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow. After my first few shaves with the New, I went on a mini Gillette open comb buying binge and now also have a Tuckaway, New Standard and Senator. I find them all to be great razors. Which do I like best? It seems to be whichever I most recently shaved with. They are all that good.
best shaver bar none,Found them to be a little on the light side for my taste,solution was to fill the handle with #6 birdshot,turns the razor from a wimpy 52 gm into an 80 gm wonder,simple minds with simple solutions:)


I need a flea bath
best shaver bar none,Found them to be a little on the light side for my taste,solution was to fill the handle with #6 birdshot,turns the razor from a wimpy 52 gm into an 80 gm wonder,simple minds with simple solutions:)

I love it! I would have never dreamed that one.
best shaver bar none,Found them to be a little on the light side for my taste,solution was to fill the handle with #6 birdshot,turns the razor from a wimpy 52 gm into an 80 gm wonder,simple minds with simple solutions:)

Most of my best DE shaves seem to come from my British long-comb NEW. However, the handle seems to be a bit light in relation to the head.

I might just try your suggestion with the shot in the handle. It just seems like the handle should be a bit heavier.

Warmest Regards,

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