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Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow.

Thanks maistroyoda! I've never seen a price like that--so I just bought 600 for $75. That's to go with the 400 I got (for about 18 cents per, I believe) a while back from Connaught. This price is somewhere down there in the Personna preps and Astra SPs territory. And the funny thing is, I did a quick Google search to see if yellow prices had come down generally (it doesn't look like they have), and the Ebay search that Google led me to for them didn't include the offer you linked to!
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I ordered some of these for the first time and I noticed something strange - the smell of the packet / wrapper which smells like naphthalene (moth & insect repellent) or something simalar. Is this normal?
I ordered some of these for the first time and I noticed something strange - the smell of the packet / wrapper which smells like naphthalene (moth & insect repellent) or something simalar. Is this normal?

Have never smelled it on the yellows I've bought before (nor ever heard of it). Maybe you've discovered the reason for the low price...?

But were yours from the 200 for $28 offer on Ebay?
Have never smelled it on the yellows I've bought before (nor ever heard of it). Maybe you've discovered the reason for the low price...?

But were yours from the 200 for $28 offer on Ebay?

They were from a local supplier - not sure where he gets them from, but I'll contact him. At least I won't have insects buzzing around me after a shave :tongue_sm

Edit: I contacted the supplier. He said they had those repellent balls in the store room where the blades, etc were stored, so they got the scent from there. Thought it might have been some coating from the factory.
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My wallet cries.
I really like the blue package ones, they always seem to give me irrit free shaves. I think I have some black and yellow ones at homes, the one I have in my razor right now I like, but forget what colour it was.... I will go check.
Got my 800 in the mail today::w00t:


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The Yellows are excellent for me. They're my favs along with the 7 O'clock Platinums, Astra, and a select few others. I haven't ordered the 100 pack only because it would last me 5 years and as with all other shaving products, I always like to have an assortment to pick from. Something new all the time. You know how that is?

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I have never tried the Blacks, but the Yellows are very good in either my Slim or a Shavette. They just go and go. I don't use the DE much but I generally toss the blade after an estimated 7 shaves just on principle. I would rather toss a blade when it is still good than shave a single stroke after it has started to decline. In a shavette I have kept a half blade going for a dozen shaves and never noticed any significant deterioration. This is a high quality blade that is inexpensive and very easy to find overseas, especially in the Middle East.
They have them for $28 shipped for 200 blades. I made an offer for $25 per 200 and was automatically accepted here:


Just a PSA in case anyone else is patiently awaiting shipment from this listing: It's not coming. :mad3:
The listing was oversold. So, if you happen to be waiting for your purchase to be marked shipped, now might be the time to put attention towards it. Ordered mine on Monday, Sept 21 FWIW.

*NOT trying to bash seller* - just looking out for any of my B&B brethren that may be in the same sitchy. :thumbup1:
With all of two DE shaves under my belt, I like the yellows. I picked them up from Try A Blade and just bought a few of the most popular varieties. I wanted to save the Astra's and Voskhods for when I had some more experience, so I just grabbed a yellow at random. The first shave was rough and tugged quite a bit, as I had no technique and a constantly changing angle. Second shave had better lather and a consistent hold. The yellow was smooth, so much so that I though I wasn't taking any stubble off until I compared one side of my face to the other.

Seeing all the comparisons to Feathers, I'm not sure this was a good choice to learn on, but not knowing any better I've actually enjoyed it quite a bit.
Just a PSA in case anyone else is patiently awaiting shipment from this listing: It's not coming. :mad3:
The listing was oversold. So, if you happen to be waiting for your purchase to be marked shipped, now might be the time to put attention towards it. Ordered mine on Monday, Sept 21 FWIW.

*NOT trying to bash seller* - just looking out for any of my B&B brethren that may be in the same sitchy. :thumbup1:

I took advantage of the $25 offer for $200 deal last week, but according to this is now defunct, at any rate for the time being.
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