It burns like crazy but afterward feels great. And that scent! It's the best lime ever, and I've tried a lot of them. Expensive but worth every penny. Try it if you haven't and you love lime.
You heard the man, kids. Pain and Limes. What's not to love?
It is great stuff, though.
Speick's healing properties far outweigh that of Trumper Extract of Limes at a fraction of the cost.
Well sure, boss. But does it hurt? Really hurt? Can't match up to the GFT there.
Well sure, boss. But does it hurt? Really hurt? Can't match up to the GFT there.
It will after using a Merkur blade.
If you like burn then I think St. John's Lime edges out trumpers b/c there is no sugar smell in it. If you like longevity the TOBS Victorian Lime is your ticket.
I use it and like it, but the scent completely evaporates within just a few scant minutes. Most disappointing.