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Getting ready to smoke my first Beef Brisket


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So the brisket showed up today and it was a bit mis-shaped and kind of in two parts, held together with thick fat.

We decided to try and carefully disect it and turn it into two 5 lb briskets by cutting it in it's natural spot.

I checked and it appears a 5lb is smokeable so that's the plan and we have the second half in the freezer for another day. Plus my wife was appauld at the size and cost!

I took the better looking of the two, the one that was more uniform in thickness and applied my rub.

It is now wrapped and in the fridge. I will use the leftover rub to make a mop to use when smoking.

Wish me luck, we are nearing launch time...


Wanting for wisdom
It depends on the butcher. Some trim the fat between the point and the flat which pretty much separates them. Some just leave the fat and let you decide what to do.


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It depends on the butcher. Some trim the fat between the point and the flat which pretty much separates them. Some just leave the fat and let you decide what to do.

Thanks...I had no idea what to expect from the butcher but I'll make it work. I'm fairly confident around the grill, not that you could tell with all my questions and concerns.

This a a learning experience for me from the get go...but I can't wait to smoke it.

And as recommended, we have a stand by meal ready to go at any moment (Hello, pizzaland....we need 2 medium pizzas STAT).

Plenty more pics to follow.
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Next time you can order a packer brisket which is unmolested.
Prices vary wildly what did you pay a lb?


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Next time you can order a packer brisket which is unmolested.
Prices vary wildly what did you pay a lb?

Ah, I figured there was a few different kinds, noted.

Keep in mind, I'm in Canada..but for a 10.5lb brisket, I paid $58 for it.

They don't normally have it, so had to order it special for me. It came in at 15 lbs, even though I ordered 8-10, so they cut it down to size.

There was no way I wanted to try a 15 lb one my first time out.

Good luck Bruce, you'll do great.

Thanks! I had to make sure I had a big bag of Lump (and some wood chunks) today when I was firing up the Gas for European Wieners. I did, so we're all set.

I was so focused on the meat, I forgot about how I was going to fuel it.

One of the kids even helped me pat it down with the rub, they couldn't believe how big it was!
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After years or wanting to smoke one, seeing the glorious pics of Beef Brisket's (here and here and here and Jim's here) I called our butcher and put in an order for a small 8-10 Beef Brisket that may be ready as early as Monday. My plan is to smoke it on Spring Break so I have a few days to plan and research rubs, injections (if necessary), trimming and cutting.

Once the Beef arrives, I'll take a weight, a few pics and document my first long smoke here. Hopefully it is edible...that's really all I am hoping for the first time.

Nervous and excited to smoke something longer then 4hrs like I do with ribs and hope this is the start of many more long smokes this year. It will be done on a Vision Kamado Ceramic Grill with Lump Charcoal and some wood chunks.

In the mean time, if anyone has any sure fire tips, tricks or rubs they want to share...feel free to share.


I don't recommend rub recipes because there are so many good ones. You adjust ingredients through experience. I do believe most rubs for brisket or pulled pork will benefit from mild Chile Powder. NOT hot. It would be hard to use too much of it. On ribs I let it almost dominate the color of the meat but on brisket...... which takes low and slow smoking for approximately 18 hours, i'm not sure you need as much.

This TIP is for Brisket (not Pork Butt).... after you have rubbed in your chosen spices, you take the cheapest yellow hot dog type mustard and literally coat the brisket thickly until it is a sloppy yellow mess. The mustard will never be tasted on the finished product but it will be a preferred moist holding medium for your rub spices. It will disappear, I promise, and help the brisket hold onto all the flavors from your chosen rub...... LOW. SLOW AND 18 HRS LATER LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.:001_tt2::001_tt2:
brucered, did the other 5lb portion that you put in the freezer resemble the shape of an American Football? If so, that's what is refered to as the "point". The point has much more fat in it than the portion you showed above called the "flat". The flat is what the typical slices of brisket are made out of that you are most likely used to seeing. The point is what makes burnt ends or meat candy. You can smoke the point by itself and not do burnt ends with it, but due to the fat content it will not taste the same as the flat you are used to.

A packer brisket is one that has both the point and flat still attached and there is a thick seam of fat seperating the two, up to a 1.5". Usually you would leave them connected and cut away some of the fat where they come toghether. Then as it cooks that notch becomes more apperent. Around 180ish you would pull it off the smoker and seperate them and then use the point to make your burnt ends.


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^ The second portion was actually thinner and spread out more, mis-shaped and uneven. I'm new to the world of brisket, so wouldn't known which one tastes better, even after I smoke this one.

The rubbed one is coming out of the fridge soon, to bring up to room temp before going on.

And wouldn't you now it....it's Snowing out. :001_unsur Time to find a domed Tupperware to cover my new Maverick thermometer.

There is only one thing I can guarantee with this smoke, it will be the best brisket I have ever smoked :drool:

Look out....Smoke Day is here!!!
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Beef is coming up to room temp, wood chunks are soaking, Ceramic is fired up and I got all my gadgets ready to go.

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I'm excited for you! Keep the pics coming.

And we have lift off!!!! No going back now.


And get ready for the next installment of Bruce's "How do I smoke..." With "Getting ready to smoke my first Pulled Pork"

Hey look, it's done.
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This is almost more exciting then my first wet shave.


I even snuck a couple European Wieners on the corner for Lunch :drool:

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So far, so good. :thumbup1:

I (my wife too) were getting scared when the meat rose quickly to 140*, but it plateaued as I had read and heard about and I resisted adjusting temps. After about an hour, I topped up my water pan and then rotated it. At the 2 hour mark, I flipped it and based the cooked side (now top) just to be safe.

No flare ups, no fluctuating temps, smoker is holding steady between 225-240*. The beef is sitting around 150* right now and we are just over 2 hrs in. I expect it to hit 160* around the 3 hr mark at which time I will remove and foil, then place back on smoker until it hits 195* or so.

I've already got the cooler ready, I'm looking for some towels while my wife is out of the house and fingers crossed we can avoid calling for Pizza.

The plan is a side of Oil & Vinegar Coleslaw and some baked beans. I have also wanted to cut back on my nightly Canned Pop (soft drink) and venture into maybe a glass of Red Wine in the evening, so my wife picked up a bottle recommended by her folks and I will be having a small glass of Red Wine with dinner...my first ever glass of wine with dinner.


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Looking GOOD!!!! :drool:

Thanks, it's going well so far.

As promised, lots of pics....here it is about 2* a way from foiling. It's right on schedule for 4hrs then foil. I had to top the water pan up a bit, so snapped a quick pic.

I plan on brining up the temps slowly as Jim had suggested earlier on. I'm at about 250 now and brining it up a bit before foiling. Its been at 163* for quite a while now.

Thanks again to all for the help and encouragement.

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