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Geo F Trumper Cologne Samples...



I had ordered a couple of sample packs from Geo F Trumper recently--unfortunately (for me) the sent a lot of cologne samples rather than the shave cream samples.

I have two of each of the following to give away:
Astor Cologne
Bay Rum Cologne
Sandalwood Cologne​

If anyone has extra shave cream samples (from any of the British boutiques), I'd be interested in a trade. Naturally, I'd prefer to send the entire lot to one person.

Send them an email at their customer service address, I'm sure they'll rectify it quickly. They're quite good, actually; I liked the rose scented Skin Food, and sent an email asking if their rose-scented shaving cream smelled the same. They sent me four samples of the rose cream gratis.

Try that first, and keep the cologne samples. You just might like them!
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