I picked up this lot yesterday fishing in the 'Bay.
The Ever Ready, is this the same as a Gem 1912? (Love that handle!)
The gold/white Gem, what model is this, and what are these handles made of? (One ad I saw said celluloid?). Can I assume NOT safe for scrubbing bubbles? (I'll probably clean the handle with Simple Green). This thing looks kinda cool!
I'm hopeful the Super Speed will clean up well. We'll see what year it is. If it's not one I'm hunting, might catch and release. The Bar Handled New, we'll see how it cleans up. I already have a bare finished one (shaves great! last three shaves with it), so maybe I'll refinish this one. Or sell it. I'm thinking this one isn't a long comb, I think my other is. I'll have to compare the shaves of each
Thanks in advance for any help. BTW, the price? $14.49 shipped.

The Ever Ready, is this the same as a Gem 1912? (Love that handle!)
The gold/white Gem, what model is this, and what are these handles made of? (One ad I saw said celluloid?). Can I assume NOT safe for scrubbing bubbles? (I'll probably clean the handle with Simple Green). This thing looks kinda cool!
I'm hopeful the Super Speed will clean up well. We'll see what year it is. If it's not one I'm hunting, might catch and release. The Bar Handled New, we'll see how it cleans up. I already have a bare finished one (shaves great! last three shaves with it), so maybe I'll refinish this one. Or sell it. I'm thinking this one isn't a long comb, I think my other is. I'll have to compare the shaves of each
Thanks in advance for any help. BTW, the price? $14.49 shipped.

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