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I didnt know
My abilities in trying a new razor would fall very short of being able to get to a an acceptable shave.

I know what you mean, even more so after tonights shave after 4 days. I've been using Mach 3 disposables while my arm and shoulder heals. I looked in the mirror tonight and I knew the Mach 3 was no match for what it was up against lol. My Grande was sitting there on my shelf, all loaded up and ready for action so, for the first time in 8 weeks, I picked it up...

I started right side as always, N>S WTG/XTG and immediately noticed how loud it was. I didnt think much of it, finished the right side and started on the left, it was even louder. It was only then I thought I better check the blade and upon doing so found the handle was loose and needed more than a full turn to tighten. That quieted things right up! LOL

I still dont know which blade is in it or how many shaves are on it but I'll remember to check the handle every time I pick it up now haha.
Decem-Boar 10


Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo

A very nice shave but not the elevated comfort that I continue to chase. Alum warmed up a few areas on neck and chin line. I didn’t get to race into the arms of total comfort. 0 for 2 on the month. Chasing comfort is squarely on the shoulders of technique. The excellent kit will be there next week. I need to sneak in some more technique mojo. Everything performed great in the shave. I suspect that the Cosmo 4.2 formula is using a tad more water than the two 4.3’s I haven’t used them enough to be sure. My shaves are wonderful. I’m in a good place. Locking in a kit has been at the back of my mind and an ambition from the beginning. Enjoyment and relaxation are at a higher level. I don’t tense up and hold my breath anymore. It’s all good.

Happy Hog Shaves 🐷
Decem-Boar 17


Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Tundra Artica

A shave, a hobby, a pursuit, a challenge. Put your best team on the field of play. Always a win, but….. A drive for a higher level of comfort, basically a bigger point spread. Taking a very comfortable shave to a higher level of comfort is that point spread. Or wining the championship game. Few teams win consecutive championships. Few shaves reach that memorable plateau. At the beginning of the month my goal was five for five. With today’s shave the opportunity of three for five a possibility. Starring into the deep soft eyes of comfort and luxury. Nothing to hold me back except. Technique

As they say close but no cigar. An excellent shave. I was concentrating and carefully watching each stroke. Trying to get lighter and lighter and I was. Half a stroke being too close and you know alum is needed to measure and rate the wayward strokes. I was lighter handed this shave. I feel my technique transitioning. The fixed kit is starting to help deliver the softer strokes. Alum warmth on some neck skin about the same as last weeks shave. The head shave beautiful, no alum feedback and very few clean up strokes. Head shaves are a lot easier than face shaves. Fewer angles involved. Comfort continues to improve.

Starting out at the end of October the B-35 continues to bloom and split tips. The darker centre area has decreased and shows, in today’s bottom photo. It is softer than it looks. It was hard to stop lathering today. It has a solid medium scrub all that I need. Cloud like softness with luxurious painting strokes. The best qualities of my long lofted two band fan knot and my chubby scrubby come through with a perfected balance. A big brush with big comfort.



Happy Hog Shaves 🐷
Saponificio Varesino Product Opinions and Reviews

Was it a journey or a search? A cart shaver with a minimum kit. Finding a never ending smorgasbord of shaving delights. Nobody can try everything and most of us end up with indigestion more than once. What tastes best? Looks and opinions may be miss leading. Unless you taste it. You will never know.

I am not a fan boy. I hope what you use in your shave kit works real good for you. I try to post my opinions and reviews from my perspective. A user who has sensitive face skin and ultra sensitive neck skin areas. I also do a second or head shave each time. My head skin is normal but a tad dry. A good proving ground or canvas to run products and equipment with multiple conditions in each shave. I had only One goal joining B&B. Reduce shave irritation and pain in my shaves. Hallelujah! Success.

Almost three years and a return to Minimalism. “ No matter where you go there you are” I guess there was that part of me that always wanting to return to the simplicity of a single kit. The luxury creams and silvertip badger I came to B&B with took longer to best and replace. That’s a good thing, I got to try and sample a lot of stuff.

Minimalism for me is a head space or an acceptance of my choices. My focus can than be concentrated on elevating the shave, not the equipment or the products used. Technique. I travelled and sampled my way through blades, razors, brushes and soaps I have been on and off with pre and post shave products trying to find the best fit for my shave Kit. There were always multiple reasons for each element of the shave Kit. Saponificio Varesino having all shave products available in their line up contributes to simplicity.

Expensive. There are hundreds of adjectives for expensive. If better results and comfort find there way into your description of product or equipment. Expensive may be less a consideration, than a solution. A few of the artisan products that I had purchased and sampled had the same issue, availability. Saponificio Varesino is available and more likely to have pricing options because of multiple retail locations. In my case the performance has been above average with SV products, and I consider them good value, not expensive.

Fragrance. I am not the person to ask or do I possess much knowledge in fragrance. It is expected to be higher in quality with artisan or higher priced shave products. Obviously it should be. The explosion of fragrances back in the day. Joe Nameth advertising panty hose and Brut. I was into it big time. Not the panty hose so much but the Brut, English Leather and many more. The late sixties and the seventies brought on a rush of many new mens fragrances. Saponificio Varesino had been developing and making soaps and fragrances a long while before I got onto the shave scene.

Fragrances are preferential. Saponificio Varesino have been doing it for three quarters of a century. The fragrances I have sampled all have that underlying scent of refinement and quality to me. I have not disliked any. Rather preferred some over others. I doubt I will even be able to get around to sampling all fragrances available. I am rotating four different bath soaps to enjoy SV fragrance with my showers. The bath soap is vegetable based and an excellent bath bar in all respects.

Vegetable based products. I did not know how important that is to some people. Biggest surprise I’m one of them. Once I stopped using the majority of my other non veggie soaps and elixirs my skin literally changed overnight. The number one reason Saponificio Varesino fit like a glove. I don’t have to look elsewhere they have all the shave stuff I need.

I use SV’s Shea Butter for my pre shave and the SV Mango Butter for post shave. I found noticeable differences in skin suppleness, comfort and a healthier looking skin. I have their pre shave oil but have not tried it yet.

I am rotating three shave soaps two are 4.3 and one 4.2 base formula. Felce Aromatica, Tundra Artica and Cosmo. Other than fragrance the Cosmo 4.2 requires a wee bit more water than the 4.3 formula. They perform similarly and are as luxurious as any of the artisan creams I’ve used. I follow SV‘s instructions for lather development. Pour the warm bloom water onto a damp brush. This makes for a very juicy start. The 31mm boar knot is large and powerful. The brush is fully loaded in under a half minute. I face lather and usually find a single water dip for each quadrant of my face and neck, is all that is required for a favourable adjustment. I find the fragrance light in all three while lathering. A water dip raises the fragrance level. My favourite Felce Aromatica, but enjoy them all.

Lathering is another insanely preferential experience. The brush I use, the softened filtered well water. The very slick greasy film of SV’s Shea Butter pre shave under the lather. All these elements are contributing to the final result. The shave stroke. This combination is a very protective and high performing lather. I have had a couple of shaves with zero blade feel and an elevated skin comfort not achieved before. Memorable shaves are chased by many of us. A good performing lather completes the Kit. Saponificio Varesino another high performer in my Kit.

This was the fourth review. The components of my Fixed Four. The brush is still in the early stage of breaking in. I will do another long term in depth review in the new year. Of the four it is definitely prominent as I continue to bond with it.

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Decem-Boar 24

Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica

Continuing to adjust and gain more familiarity with the Fixed Kit. Going into the new year. I look forward to refining technique and elevating skin comfort. Shaves scheduled weekly mid-afternoon on Friday. I continue to try to repeat every aspect of my shave in the same order. It may sound mundane and boring but it is far from that. It’s exciting to feel a strength and continuity coming together with the kit, performing as a unit, rather than components.


Rotating three SV soaps is nice. The Cosmo, and Tundra Artica fragrances I find mild and Felce Aromatica medium strong. After lather applications the scent subdues considerably. I will replace the Felce. The other two I will replace with other fragrances. I load the big brush as heavy as I can towards obscene. At fifty two shaves a year I won’t be burning through soap bottoms very soon. Lathering these soaps. Pure enjoyment. They continue to exceed my expectations. Using a big brush and softened filtered well water is probably a big advantage. Making adjustments or even changing lather consistencies is effortless. Using the SV Shea Butter pre shave has taken slick to a different friction zone. The strokes are getting lighter and quicker.

My face shave had a very small amount of skin tightness along right chin line. A few closely stroked areas. The protective pre shave coating obvious when and how much you break through it. An incentive to refine lighter strokes. The alum was needed as a cooling antiseptic over the closer stroked areas. No warmth or burn. A very nice super close comfortable shave.

The head shave has advantages. Smoother longer flatter surfaces. The micro reflexes and stroke pressures just got sorted out on the face shave. My head shave was an alum free effort with elevated lathering fun. Six weeks into the Fixed Kit and it is starting to feel like a rocket ride. I love it when shaving gets exciting.

Exploring the strengths of equipment and products lead us to make best choices suited to our shaves. Strapping four high performers together, they continue to coalesce towards a higher level of comfort.

I look forward to my last shave of the year.

To all the Fine Gentlemen of B&B
My Kindest Greetings of the Season
A New Years Eve Shave

I couldn’t be happier or more satisfied with my shaves. The last half year has been bringing my sensitive skin into a more comfortable stable condition. Pre and post shave skin condition improvements allowed a better closer shave. Shaving BBS consistently well over a year left comfort improvement as the last hurdle to best shave. If I were to rate my comfort level as good, better, best. Best would have to be zero razor/blade feel and post skin comfort that did not know it just got shaved. I have had three of those shaves in the last half dozen months. That’s three shaves out of forty-two. The other thirty-nine were BBS between good to better skin comfort.

The last six months have culminated two and half years of product and equipment choices. The best candidates for my Fixed Four. Great comfortable BBS shaves have given me higher targets to achieve. The highest level of comfort is not to feel shaved after a BBS plus shave. That would be my first lgoal for the New Year. My second goal. Complete 52 seven-day shaves. Very lofty goals for sure. I guess I got resolutions now.

Fixed four is at two months and feeling very everything to me. My highest shaving pleasure to date. The only thing holding me back is precision in my technique.

De transition from carts. Goals. Skin comfort improvement and better shaves. It has taken me two and a half years to accomplish both. I don’t think of it as a finish or end of journey. If anything the home stretch is a continuation of the shave. More comfort.

Decem-Boar 31

Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo

Decem-Boar has been a lot of fun. Great shaves by all. Love the pics. Thank you Gentlemen for sharing your shaves. I will continue to enjoy my boar brush and look forward to next year’s. Hog fun.

Last shave of the year and a high enthusiasm to meet shave challenges and goals for the New Year. I continue to enjoy and look forward to my shaves. DE shaving has improved my shave world.

A great close comfortable shave. As the boar continues to break in. The kit becomes more familiar. Shaves have taken on a thrill again. I continue to work on my technique which basically is Less razor/blade pressure. Extra close shaves with extra buffing. The face shave went with an alum finish. A tingle in neck sensitive spots. Head shave did not require alum. Post skin very comfortable face and head.
The boar will continue to deliver increases in softnesses and will be ready for next Decem-Boar.

Keep Them Hogs Scrubbing


To All B&B Members
Happy New Year

January 7​

2022 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - Shave Trek Season 2 but #1 for me
Plus my fixed four, keeping me focused on shave comfort improvement.

The end of my first and second year were much the same. Continued to explore products and equipment that would enhance and improve shave comfort. This is the first year where goals are exclusively focused on comfort. I have everything I need.

I’m a Fixed Four Trekkie going for 52 beautiful face & head shaves for 2022. A relaxed unburdened mind with pre and post paraphernalia in place. Elevate shave comfort. Something to chase. Shaves continue to be fun and exciting.

2022‘s First Shave

Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Tundra Artica

Final quarter of last year established my Fixed Four. Copacetic shave components jelled into a strong cohesive, efficient unit. Pure pleasure using this kit. The powerful boar loads up and is face painting and scrubbing creamy lather in under a minute. Pre shave Shea Butter seamlessly adds a slickness propelling razor glide to new speeds. Autobahn blur.

The Grande is a speed demon. Quick short accurate strokes is the Grande’s forte. Weighing sixty-nine grams. Balanced to perfection. Stunning maneuverability. Two years wielding the Grande and I continue to be impressed with its performance. Single use Feathers, sharp as it gets. Smooth effortless whisker slicing harvest. Never a tug or skip. Everything in hand to chase big comfort.

The face and head shave both recipients of an ultra soft touch. I can’t do that every shave. The main reason for the fixed. This is month three for the kit. I couldn’t be happier with the strong performance. I expect these shaves to reach regular repeatability by years end. An above average shave. The alum block stayed unused and dry. Witch Hazel, Hyaluronic acid, Mango Butter finished with Tundra A/S. More importantly above average Post Skin Comfort. I love it when a plan works. High optimism for the 51 shaves to follow.


Happy Shaves Trekkies

January 14​

Tenth fixed-four weekly shave. Ease and familiarity with Kit continues to raise comfort. Advantage on a purchase sabbatical. Shave porn replaced with pure thoughts of technique.

Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica

A close comfortable shave. My light touch heavier than I would like. A few alum licks on sensitive neck skin areas. Warmth but no sting. Head shave was great. Overall, less skin comfort compared to last weeks shave. Kit‘s performance flawlessly. The weekly scheduled shave is working better than I anticipated. Shaves are very enjoyable.

Happy Shaves Gents


January 21​

Eleventh fixed-four weekly shave. Sub-zero temperatures challenge comfort for sensitive skin. Last weeks shave in retrospect was drier skin than usual. Normal or oily skinned shavers might not respond to or notice the effect dry cold temperatures have on your skin. My shave will be focused on elevated skin sensitivity. Basically A Lighter Touch.

Grande & Feather
Zenith B-35 Boar
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo

My neck skin was already sensitive from our continuing cold snap. I decided to do two ultra light ATG passes for the face shave. Shea butter for pre shave first pass. On the second pass I used the SV pre shave oil for extra lube and glide. It definitely helped to achieve a super close face shave.

The head skin is like a different world. The extra lubes in the brush with outstanding creamy lather. ATG Single Pass got down to the smooth wood, with minimum strokes. Alum, Witch Hazel, Hyaluronic acid, Mango Butter and the Cosmo A/S kept disappearing into the post skin. Decent post skin comfort with a little skin tightness on the good side of my neck. All around good comfort in such drying conditions. I will use some skin moisturizer mid week.

Week three in the sabbatical. I haven’t woke up in a cold sweat, at three in the morning. Craving septic sticks or anything.

Happy Shaves



I didnt know
Sub-zero temperatures challenge comfort for sensitive skin. Last weeks shave in retrospect was drier skin than usual.

Yep, -20 and an 80 degree bathroom doesnt make for the best combination. MMOC and a well worn blade is a pretty good recipe.
Yep, -20 and an 80 degree bathroom doesnt make for the best combination. MMOC and a well worn blade is a pretty good recipe.
I’m going with moisturizer mid week. When I pumped gas in my late teens. The skin on the back of my hands would crack and bleed. Putting the tiger in the tank with a little drop of blood. Can you imagine Mike. Most gents put two or five dollars of gas in. Fill ups not that common. It was 29 cents an imperial gallon. Very painful.


I didnt know
I’m going with moisturizer mid week. When I pumped gas in my late teens. The skin on the back of my hands would crack and bleed. Putting the tiger in the tank with a little drop of blood. Can you imagine Mike. Most gents put two or five dollars of gas in. Fill ups not that common. It was 29 cents an imperial gallon. Very painful.

I've been using moisturizer the last while myself.


I ran three full serve gas bars in and around London for three years starting in May 1986. One in London at Florence and Egerton, one in Lambeth and one on Wellington just north of St Thomas.

I remember a gas war we had. Gas was down to $0.15 a L. When I was out yesterday here it was $1.497/L. $5.65 a US gallon for 87oct. Crazy days...
In the future it will be interesting to see how the robber barons set up hydro wars for electric cars. Hard to hold back greed.


I didnt know
In the future it will be interesting to see how the robber barons set up hydro wars for electric cars. Hard to hold back greed.

Good thing we have the largest nuclear power plant in the world, powering most of NY haha. An even better idea is to surround it with windmills and then burying the nuclear waste under the worlds largest supply of freshwater lol.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
With small modular reactors and fast-feeding reactors, nuclear waste can be both smaller and more likely to be reused as fuel. There are promising developments with the development of thorium reactors, too, but it could be a pipe dream like fusion. Pipe dream of fusion has made some steps forward, too.


I didnt know
With small modular reactors and fast-feeding reactors, nuclear waste can be both smaller and more likely to be reused as fuel. There are promising developments with the development of thorium reactors, too, but it could be a pipe dream like fusion. Pipe dream of fusion has made some steps forward, too.

I'll pretend to understand that. :)


I think this fits, Gents
I've been using moisturizer the last while myself.

View attachment 1397493

I ran three full serve gas bars in and around London for three years starting in May 1986. One in London at Florence and Egerton, one in Lambeth and one on Wellington just north of St Thomas.

I remember a gas war we had. Gas was down to $0.15 a L. When I was out yesterday here it was $1.497/L. $5.65 a US gallon for 87oct. Crazy days...
I worked a full service Mobil from 1974-1975. The owner had a 1964 Ranchero that he payed for with profits from gas wars. I remember gas as low as 13 cents a US gallon.
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