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Fun in the snow



So it snowed saturday!

Some people I've talked to are pretty mad at me on this, but I actually went out (and on the highway) in a Mazda3 with Dunlop Signature Sport tires. At points, I could gently touch the brakes at 20mph and feel the ABS kick in. ... at one point, the ABS made me spin and I had to correct for it.

I love snow.

At a point I decided I wanted to go harder, though it didn't make me go faster. I shifted into third, hit the accelerator, and of course the car slides... well, no. The car went straight; I however wound up rotating the wheel as far as 1.5 full turns left, though mostly between 15 and 60 degrees either way, CONSTANTLY, keeping the car in control. Gear shifts, playing with the throttle, tons of countersteering, anything to keep it from rotating or sliding. Great fun. I saw cars with traction control (none in mine) shaking around worse than I was, so I'm better at this than the computer.

Oh, right, the highway.

So some idiot was tailgating me at 20mph on 695, because I was going 20mph on 695. In snow and slush.

My response? Third gear, power, torque steer takes me to the right. I start applying countersteering carefully, making my car continue to travel straight but shaking the back end 30 degrees each way from center at him. He backed off :D

The next thing I did was angle my car left... you know how front wheel drive sucks in the snow, and when you hit the gas too hard it travels diagonally due to torque steer? I did that on purpose, except I compensated, so my "diagonal" motion was straight down the highway... with my car significantly sideways. :woot:

I straightened it out when I saw a Benz doing donuts in front of me... not on purpose, no; the driver pulled off the road and looked like he crapped his pants, frankly. Actually a lot of people were sliding around and then just coming off the road. A lot of people were trying to go 40mph too... bad idea, any clue why I was going so slow?

I love the snow. I don't know why, everything's reflexive; I don't know HOW I control the car, at all, I just know I decide it's going to be going this way or that, or sideways, or whatever, and it does it. I shift gears a LOT to adjust for the constantly changing traction conditions. It's... intense. I never go fast, I always slow down even to like 5mph for curves I'm remotely unsure about, and 10mph below what I'm certain I can take a curve at if I'm sure about it. But speed isn't everything, you know.

Anyone else have fun playing in traffic over the weekend? :D
I've gotten into the (bad?) habit of drifting around corners when there is snow and ice on the ground. Of course, I always make sure the streets are clear of pedestrians and other vehicles. It's been really fun!
This is why I stay off the roads as much as possible. Have fun explaining that to the police or insurance company when you hit something

Highways are a risky & dull place to have fun like that. Especially with the wrong kind of tires, and other trafic.

Narrow country roads without any trafic at all however. That's where it's really fun. Speed up to 50mph-ish, and keep full controll while the snowy conditions try their best to pull your car off the road.

But seriously; if you want to have fun in the snow, get proper snow-tires. Loose controll with normal tires, and you don't have a chance, loose controll with good, fresh winter tires and there's margin for error.

Here in Norway, the norm is 40-60mhp on highways, even when it's snowing. But since we get snow for months every year, proper snow tires are enforced, and most drivers actually know how to drive in nasty & cold conditions it's not that big a deal.
i goof off in the snow as often as possible.. but i also live in texas and the last time snow stuck in my area i was about 5 years old. not the best age for driving. i did have a 2wd truck last time i went snow skiing in colorado and we goofed off at 4 in the morning in empty parking lots, would not goof off on a road with other drivers around even with an uncanny ability to control vehicles on slick surfaces.

have fun with your snow, i will continue to wear short sleeve shirts (no i am not kidding it is still around the mid 60's most days of the week here).
I'm currently getting pounded by a 3 day, 30+ inch assault by Mother Nature. You want hairy conditions...come to the Midwest!

I have fond memories of my teal, '93 Geo Storm hatchback. 5-speed and an awesome e-brake. :wink:
It's reading posts that this that make me glad I'm living in Texas. I don't miss driving in that stuff at all. Give me my rains, and flash flooding any day (I have sense to stay on higher ground in heavy rains).

Your post was a fun read though! Loved the part about the guy in the Benz!
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