I love the haters; more for me.
Over the weekend I cranked out a batch of fruitcake. Ten little loaves, well infused with rum, are now in the aging phase for a few weeks.
Mrs. Hippie looked at the haul -- ten pounds plus! -- and asked if that was all I was going to make or if it's just a good start. Hmmm. I might get motivated to make a marsala-pistachio cake that I like, or pull out another of my mother's old recipes and make some Bulletproof Apple Cake*.
I used to make and send fruitcakes to friends who liked them every year. That turned into a pretty big investment of time, treasure and resources so after 15 years I hung it up. Mostly I make what I like, intending to have enough that I'll still have fruitcakes in the bucket when my birthday arrives in August. My mother once forgot a 10-pound lard can full of cakes that she'd made for Christmas 1952. It got stuck in the back of the top shelf in her pantry and finally came to light in 1977; 25 years later. Not bad after a fresh infusion of brandy and some time to let it rehydrate.
*so called because she sent it to my brother and I for birthday cake when we were in the service.
Over the weekend I cranked out a batch of fruitcake. Ten little loaves, well infused with rum, are now in the aging phase for a few weeks.
Mrs. Hippie looked at the haul -- ten pounds plus! -- and asked if that was all I was going to make or if it's just a good start. Hmmm. I might get motivated to make a marsala-pistachio cake that I like, or pull out another of my mother's old recipes and make some Bulletproof Apple Cake*.
I used to make and send fruitcakes to friends who liked them every year. That turned into a pretty big investment of time, treasure and resources so after 15 years I hung it up. Mostly I make what I like, intending to have enough that I'll still have fruitcakes in the bucket when my birthday arrives in August. My mother once forgot a 10-pound lard can full of cakes that she'd made for Christmas 1952. It got stuck in the back of the top shelf in her pantry and finally came to light in 1977; 25 years later. Not bad after a fresh infusion of brandy and some time to let it rehydrate.
*so called because she sent it to my brother and I for birthday cake when we were in the service.