Huh? Ok, I'm used to seeing these hit $50-75. Even the occasional 100... but what the hell? Are they the new Norton "Axeman" stone or something? They're a nice 2 sided stone, but they sure aren't worth anything close to a coti, much less an Escher.
Ok, so what is the deal with these hones?
The bid was at $12 with 5 minutes left and I thought what the hell I'll throw a bid of $40 and maybe it could replace my swaty.
Well...I've tried probably over 200 different barber hones (used to collect them). My No. 00 Frictionite is one of my most used, top 4 favorite, barber hones. I finish hone on barber hones. Mine won't be for sale anytime soon.
Are they worth US $250? IMO, no. But then, I might be saying that because I wanna' keep their price down...
The Frictionite line of hones was made by the American Hone Company. The lady who made them was named Lois. She passed away in 2004. When she died there was an ingredients list but the process was not written down. The company was unable to recreate the process.
The American Hone Company was first located in New York, then in 1950 was sold and moved to Iowa, lock, stock and barrel on railroad cars. The seller sent an employee to Iowa to train the staff for a period of 4 months. Lois has just graduated from high school at that time, was trained to make the hones, and stayed with the company until 2004.
The Frictionite 00 hones are very well regarded, especially in Australia and amongst woodworkers.
I inherited my gradfathers Little Frictionite 00 and like it a lot.
Hope this helps,
But the Norton two sided barber hone is recognized by those who own one as perhaps the best ever. One knowledgable honer has stated that only four passes on this hone will improve the edge from an Escher.
chalk up another frictionite going for 250+
Insane that the same seller sold a 5x2 Escher for $170 and the Frictionite goes for that much more.
Crazy prices!
I actually recently won a frictionite 00 for $35 shipped and will have to give it a try to see what all the hype is. I imagine my eschers and thurri's will give a better edge.