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French Apollo razor

Has anyone else seen or owned one of these unusual and beautiful razor sets? Apparently from the mid-1950s, this razor was sent by a French friend who found it in a shop & couldn't tell me anything about it. The strop is obvious, but how do you strop these blades. There are many Atita blades -- in a box as well as in the silver blade boxes. The ones that must have been used have someone's writing on the wrappers with dates from 1953, 54, 55.

Also, as you can see from the head on shots of the razor, there is almost no exposure of the blade in the razor. So shaving with this device is not something I've figured out at all.

So what's the story on this razor and how do you sharpen the blades and shave with it? Else it is a very classy museum piece!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
No, it doesn't look like a regular DE will work at all. Interesting set, though. I am just having a hard time figuring out how the blade is meant to be stropped. There doesn't seem to be any way of folding the head inline with the handle, or exposing both sides of the blade to the strop. Could it be that a part (a stropping handle or blade holder) is missing?
Perhaps there was a stropping device for the razor blade. And yet there is still the challenge of actually shaving with that razor -- there is so little blade exposed. I'll give it another try.
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