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Freedom Hill Brass Razors? Anyone Seen These?

I noticed this and this on ebay today (these are BIN listings). Basically a brass TTO with a long handle. Are these cheap Chinese products (a la Weishi), or maybe a cut above. They are $29, but if they are brass and not pot metal, they might be worth a shot.
The three piece might be ok, (big emphasis on might), but I ensure you that TTO is a total piece of junk!! I briefly owned one. It's made in Pakistan (a country not known for producing good quality anything), and while the handle is solid brass, the head is very thin, very roughly finished metal. Mine had jagged edges from the factory. The TTO doors did not seat evenly, and did not apply even pressure to properly curve the blade. TOTAL JUNK ALL AROUND!!

Don't waste your money on this! The vastly superior Cadet Razors/ RazoRock, and Matador razors (same razors sold under different names by different vendors) can be had for the same price, and are very positively reviewed!!

The TTO razors in the Cadet/RazoRock line are solid brass, while the 3 piece models feature a solid brass handle, and a plated zamac head.
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