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FREE WEEK, SOTD "themed week" 1st October - 7th October 2012

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13/16 Toyo "Special Razor", Full Hollow Ground, Square Point
Kanayama No.3 Strop
Custom Simpson Duke 3 Silvertip
La Toja Stick
Cold Water Rinse
Spanish Floid Mentolado Suave
Terre D'Hermes EdP


Good morning!

Today’s shave was another very enjoyable Moment of Zen. I inaugurated both the vintage Rotbart Mond-Extra open comb razor as well as the Rotbart “Extra Dünn” razor blade. I had high hopes for this combination and it delivered, aided by the usual Suspects:

Calani Dubai shave soap
Semogue #1305 shave brush
Rotbart Mond - Extra OC razor
Rotbart “Extra Dünn” razor blade (1.)
Bloc Osma alum
Musgo Real Classic after shave

A thoroughly enjoyable shave, I must admit. That vintage Rotbart razor is one little nimble and solidly built shaver and the Rotbart blade is really good, IMHO. Feels very sharp yet very smooth at the same time, even my beloved Feather show their teeth more on the first shave. The razor is a touch more direct than, say, the Merkur OCs such as an 11C. Two passes today resulted in one of those few shaves which I would dare classify as BBS with absolutely zero irritation. I guess everything just fell nicely into place and ‘clicked’.

Wishing all of you equally outstanding shaves this week and happy days ahead!
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Loaded my amazing gifted B&B mug with some Tribute coffee
Same Gebr Emde
H.I.S. Brush
Nivea ASL

$2012-09-30 23.55.35.jpg
Second shave with the straight, felt great !

Simpson Special pure
Tabac soap
Gillette Goodwill 162
NOS Polsilver
Santa Maria Novella Emulsione Analcolica ASB
Santa Maria Novella Melograno ***

Pre Veleiro soap + Razorock XXX + Simpson Duke3 Best + UFO U2 Long with Gillette New and Iridium Super #2 + Myrsol Agua de Limón + Razorock Wax Eucaliptus&Tea Tree

An excellent shave! Yeah, both Razorock are superb products, although I don't like the scents much: XXX reminds me to Nenuco cologne and Wax is almost identical to Vicks Vaporub, hehe

It had been almost a week since my last shave as I let my two cuts heal and then relaxed on the weekend. I decided that I wanted something special for this shave, so I broke out one of my newly acquired scents from Manuel (aka Jabonman) - Lima Canela. This soap has an absolutely divine smell. I never would have though of combining cinnamon and citrus, but Manuel did to great effect! I wanted an equally fabulous razor to pair with this soap in tackling a full growth of facial hair, and the Dovo 55 immediately leapt to mind. Just to make sure it was ready, I ran it across the balsa wood strop pasted with CrOx to freshen the edge.

The soap lathered up superbly, just like I've come to expect from Manuel's offerings. The scent filled the den, making me want to just stand there with a beard full of lather. But I need to get to work, so the task at hand begged me. The Dovo quickly went to work, and it deftly swept the copious whiskers away. After two passes, I am clean as a whistle and feel like a new man! I topped it all off with a splash of Lucido and a spritz of Annick Goutal's citrus masterpiece - L'eau d'Hadrien Absolu!

Gillette Fusion Proglide
La Roche-Posay Lipikar moisturizing face soap
Gillette Series Scrub Gel
Ach. Brito Lavanda Shaving Cream
Omega 621 Pure Badger Shaving Brush
444 After Shave Gel
The Eye Balm Intense by LA MER
Lab Series Daily Moisture Defense Lotion SPF 15
Eau de Toilette : MOUCHOIR DE MONSIEUR by Guerlain

Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best
Cream: Coate's Lime
Razor: '72 Black Handle Adjustable
Blade: Astra
A/S: Trumper's Lime Skin Food
Cologne: T&H Grafton

Monday evening:

Razor: Slim Twist
Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock (3)
Soap: T&H Luxury Shave
Brush: Omega pro 48
A/S: Dynamic Pulse
ASB: Natio ASB
Gentlemen, here is today's shave menu:

Razor: Gillette Aristocrat
Blade: Feather
Brush: Rooney Heritage "Stubby" 1XL super silvertip
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Scuttle: Moss
Face lather
Witch hazel
Balm: Institute Karite
Aftershave: Polo
1 OCTOBER 2012

* Toggle D1
* Polisilvers
* Rooney Heritage Stubby 1XL
* Jabonman Soap Rose/Velvetier
* Thayers
* Unrefined Shea Butter

Monday shave

Sapone da Barba Vegetale alla Mandorla - Omega 80080 - Feather Artist Club RG - Vitos After Shaving

Every time I use this Soap, I think only one thing: The best Soap with Almond scent :001_wub:

Have a nice day, Gentlemen :001_smile
Monday morning, October 1, 2012

Schick E2 Injector razor w/ Schick blade,
Semogue 1305 boar bristle brush,
MWF shaving soap w/ warm water lather,
finish with cold water rinse for a DFS!

A fresh Schick blade for Monday morning! :001_smile


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Gillette 7 o'clock sharp edge
Moss Scuttle
Vulfix 660
Em's Lavender soap
Alum block
Witch hazel
Master Bay Rum
Monday 10-01-12. MUSIC: John Coltrane_LP The Best of.


Soap from Aleppo - Chubby 2 best badger - Gillette Rocket HD 500 - Gillette Stainless #3 - Pre JASÖN - Geo F. Trumpers Coconut shaving cream - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Speick - ASL Lilac Vegetal.
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Ikea Bowl ¤ Edwin Jagger Silvertip ¤ Merkur 34 HD with Feather
Proraso Shaving Soap ¤ Proraso Liquid Cream After Shave ¤ Hugo Boss: Boss Bottled EDT

Have a nice day, Gentlemen :001_smile


$SOTD 10-1.jpg

Proraso Pre-Shave
Ylang Ylang Pachuli Naranja
Semogue 620
Gillette '58 TV Special SS
Gillette 7 O'clock Blue Blade
Jeris Osage Rub
Pinaud Clubman

I hope you all have a peaceful day, gentlemen!

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