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Found another hone. Need help

Under mag it does look quite a bit similar. What is the feedback like with a razor? Does it transmit any information at all or does it all feel the same no matter where the edge is at?
Just did some pictures of a kitchen knife edge to show that the scratch pattern looks quite fine....not an easy issue. Magnification is 20x and i tried to catch two angles....

One is the fine grainy size when looking directly on the edge...


The other one with a bit reflection so the fine scratch patterns are visible comparable to most fine natural stones..not the best pictures but i think it shows the fineness...

What do you use as your fluid with la lune? Water, soapy water, water/glycerine, or thin oil?

The small one with thin oil...the bigger one with plain water as this one has till now not seen any oil... though it should be no issue....
Cool, then getting oil off of it once it arrives should not be an issue if I wish to try other mediums
I experienced that its not an big issue to get of the oil and use water instead...it has to be well cleaned...its not like using a turkey oilstone where i always ask why there is more and more oil soaking out of the stone....
The mottled Vermont slate having similar markings to the Vosgian stone, I'm posting shots taken of the Vermont stone on two different occasions. These are resistant to oil, but not all that difficult to lap. They may also have that so-called metallic sheen attributed to the Lune stones, when viewed in a certain light. My experience with them has been that they dull a polished bevel, and extended use does not generate much swarf, either used with oil or with a water slurry. Consequently, I have not found much use for them at the moment.

The first pic shows a red Vermont slate piece next to the mottled one. The last two pictures show mottled pieces coming from two different sellers of roof tiles (these were sample pieces). Perhaps they come from the same quarry, but one has more green inclusions than the other.

On the coticule thread, there was that other mystery stone presented. From memory, I had said that it was closer to one of my mottled Vermont pieces; but in hauling out that piece (as shown here, second pic) and looking at it again, I don't think that it is the same as that stone, unless that stone was cut on a different angle. The other stone would seem more similar to the Vosgian variety.

The analogy that keeps coming to mind when I few the green inclusions on the Vosgian stones is that of a raisin pie. This was a kind of dessert cake that was available thirty or more years ago here in the US. Haven't seen anything like with any other stone, and that's what I'll be looking for, when I hopefully will come across one.



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Today in Galena IL I went to an antique shop and ask if they had any sharpening stone or hones. The owner dug around and came up with a rock that looks to have been shaped for honing as when I looked at the surfaces the top surface had a real flat surface for about 1/2 the length of the stone. So I came home and began to lap the upper half of the top surface. It was a medium coarse surface but as I continued to lap the surface it became very smooth and began to be able to reflect light. I lapped enough to prepare a surface to test the cutting surface with a razor. I decided to do the sharpie test by blackening the bevel surface. I wet the stone and it only took about 3 passes to remove the ink from the bevel. What is also interesting is that all surfaces and corners are rounded and at the opposite end from the sharpening surface there is a raise in the stone that fits the hand almost perfect as you grip the stone. The white spots are white paint that someone maybe spilled on it?? I tried to remove as much as time allowed, this evening. So now to the big questions, is it a sharpening stone and what is it made of and who may have made it. Any ideas appreciated,

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Whats your thinking on the grit, does it feel rough ? My first thought was a type of a reddish sandstone....

Actually the grit is very smooth where I have lapped it, it feels as though it is a very hard surface, did have a white slurry when lapping but not a lot. I also noticed that when I spray the surface with water it does not bead up on the surface it appears to be absorbed but not a lot. There is also a lot of very tiny specks of gold looking mineral see 5x picture of surface, these specks appear as tiny white dots.

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