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Ok, so I started shaving with a straight razor about 3 weeks ago, and despite the "newbie" stage, I'm already absolutely hooked to it!

I travel quite a bit for business; most of the time I leave for 4-5 days, so I check in baggage. Every now and then, though, I leave for 1 or 2 nights, so I normally take just a carry-on.

At this point, I'd venture to say that there is no way that airport security (Canada or US) is going to let me through with a straight razor in my bag, right?

Any experienced travelers out there who have tried? So during these short trips, it's either "check the bag" or bring a disposable?




OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
That's right. No way a straight (or even a DE blade) is getting into that planes cabin.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
im actually afraid to put any nice vintage or modern shaving device in my luggage. Carry on or checked baggage seems to be rummaged through too much, and things tend to go missing. Perhaps you can mail the items to yourself and mail them back out?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I was the same when I was travelling last year. I took a GD on that trip, checked of course.
That's right. No way a straight (or even a DE blade) is getting into that planes cabin.

when i went to QLD the last year i must of went through the airport twice with a DE blade because when i unpacked i had a wilk in the side pocket of my bag do to bad if i was a killer this was carry on too
Traveled for three months, 2 to 3 times a month, with a DE bag in my Dopp kit. It wasn't intentional, just an oversight, but it was never caught. Now I check my bag.

This was for domestic travel only but if I were heading to Canada, I can guarantee it would have been caught. They are always, with me at least, much, much more thorough. Lost a pair of scissors there five years ago that I'd owned for 10 years.

Do not try and get a straight through security. Best case, you'll lose it to security. Worst case you will be subjected to questioning.
I am just godawful at DE shaving, but when I fly, I take a DE. Too much stuff has been stolen from my luggage for me to haul around a straight and strop.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Buy a whipped dog from Larry for a travel razor. If you hone, get a $10 ebay rescue. If you are up to a challenge, get a Gold Dollar and mod it and use that for a travel razor. Then, of course, pack it in checked luggage. If it goes missing, well, I guess you go with disposables until you go home.
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