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Florida Water

I've read about it bring spicy in several reviews, and I was wondering if it's spicy like Old Spice Original aftershave, or more like Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum. I'd like to have an idea before I place my order so I can prepare myself.
I grew up in a fairly rural area of the south, and the older black community still hung onto a lot of voodoo superstitions and practices. My dad owned a store and had a variety of "classic" budget products that was used a lot like Florida Water- the two most popular being Old Spice and Hoyt's. One older woman said that they splashed Old Spice around after they came back from visiting deceased relatives at the Graveyard so that evil spirits (or "haints") wouldn't follow them home. Another said that if a black cat (a harbinger of death) ever came into your yard, you splashed Hoyt's all around the perimeter of your yard to keep the cats away.

I think that originally Florida Water, because of its supposedly holy origin, was the main "spirit water" like it still is on the Islands, but here in the states where blacks were cut off from the main body of practitioners, other "budget" colognes became interchangeable with Florida Water. The same thing happened with birds- in traditional Voodoo practice each different type of bird has its own use in rituals, but here in the US this has been supplanted with the use of any bird for any spell or ritual, most commonly a crow.

As a lawyer, you should be more concerned with "goofer powder" or "gopher dust". A couple of years back, in Fayetteville NC, an elderly black man had been arrested for domestic abuse. When his day in court came one of the people sitting next to him informed the guard that he had some sort of white powder in a baggie, and the guard pulled him out of the courtroom where it was found that he indeed had a bag of powder.

It was later determined that he had a mojo bag full of goofer dust, a quasi-voodoo concoction that is cooked over the stove and prayed over by a holy woman or holy man. When sprinkled in a subjects food, or blown into their face, it allegedly causes the subject to become disoriented and submissive to the commands of the maker of the mojo bag. The old man planned on putting it in the judges chair and sprinkling some on his wifes lawyer. He was fined 100.00 for contempt of court.

Make sure no one sprinkles any in your coffee or you may become a mind slave and end up losing your case! :biggrin:

That is a great story! Thanks for sharing.
No problem at all, though for shipping purposes (avoid breaking) I prefer plastic stuff!

While I understand completely your concerns regarding shipping, I have to admit I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing your location.. Some of the best that life has to offer is just outside your door (not to mention the incredible shaving supplies also :001_smile).

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My Florida Water came in today, and I'm wearing it now. Loving the scent, and it will be going into rotation with its first post shave use tomorrow!:thumbup:
Went ahead and had my shave, using the Florida Water for my aftershave. Amazing stuff! I'll be using it in rotation throughout the year with my other aftershaves!


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I still haven't gotten around to trying this one yet...

Wow! Thread from the dead.

Then you are really missing out. Fountain of youth. I started using it 7 years ago at the age of 45 and can you believe, I am still 45 to this day. ;)
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