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Floid vs D.R Harris - Menthol Content?

Evening gents. Since we are fast approaching the changing of the season, it is only natural that we turn to which scents and aftershaves are our favourites for spring season. Along with Musgo Classic, which is good for me year round, the only other really warm season type of a/s splash I have is D.R. Harris Arlington. Now I like the Arlington scent. The citrus quickly fades to the fern notes and it is very refreshing. What I am none too fond of is menthol bite. The Harris splashes have just enough menthol to get me close to tolerance level. Any more and it would probably be too much. The Taylor a/s splashes I have are okay in this regard. Menthol is the last ingredient in the formulas. I am also of the opinion that perceived menthol kick depends upon what type of scent style the splash is. Consider that the Arlingtion and Marlborough splashes are scented with relatively dry and crisp scent notes like lemon, fern, cedar and possibly a touch of sandalwood. So the menthol easily projects itself. Whereas something much warmer like Pashana a/s splash would more easily stand up to it. I don't think it would make any difference in feel necessarily but the menthol scent would be more easily subdued. I can tell you that Aqua Velva is more than I want. At least the effect. So how do the Floids compare in not only menthol content but the projection of the menthol kick itself? I realise this is a bit of an odd request but I am intrigued by the Floids and wondered if their powder heavy scents would be a good choice for early spring.

Regards, Todd
I have the Italian Floid (amber) and I can tell you that it definitely has more menthol than you'd want. Spanish "Vigoroso" would too. I don't know about the Spanish "Suave" or the Italian "Blue" versions but I would assume so.

As for scent, the menthol is very present in the scent projection, but not so much as, for example, Alt Innsbruck. The powder scent of Italian Floid is suitable for spring IMO. Very much so.
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Wow Kevan. I suspected the Floids were a bit menthol heavy but the Alt Innsbruck too? I was intrigued by its tobacco scent notes but if it is heavier in menthol than even the Floids then I better try a decant first! Probably for all of them. Thanks for the information.

Regards, Todd
I'm in the same boat as you Todd, in regards to menthol preference. However I do like a menthol bomb on occasion about once every week to 10 days. I like to have some menthol bomb in my rotation. And think about the dead of summer, you will def want something before hoping into a 160 degree car. :w00t:
Wow Kevan. I suspected the Floids were a bit menthol heavy but the Alt Innsbruck too? I was intrigued by its tobacco scent notes but if it is heavier in menthol than even the Floids then I better try a decant first! Probably for all of them. Thanks for the information.

Regards, Todd
Alt Innsbruck's entire topnote is menthol. Once the menthol scent evaporates (after about 5 minutes, but the cooling persists) then the tobacco comes out.
I wouldn't rate either Floid or Alt-Innsbruck as terribly potent in the menthol department. They both have a nice kick to them, but nothing bothersome (to me). If you want a lot of menthol, you might check out Osage Rub or one of the Shave Den products.....they allow you to add menthol (or double menthol) to any of their offerings.
Try to get a decant of the Floïds. I have both of them and if it wasn't for the fact that I just looked at the bottle I wouldn't have known they have menthol in them. Yes, they cool, but I thought it was just the alcohol vaporizing whereas you get a much higher kick with Proraso and AV.
Try to get a decant of the Floïds. I have both of them and if it wasn't for the fact that I just looked at the bottle I wouldn't have known they have menthol in them. Yes, they cool, but I thought it was just the alcohol vaporizing whereas you get a much higher kick with Proraso and AV.

Thank you. This makes me excited to try decants. I have some on the way from Superlather.

Regards, Todd
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