Amazing life. For a long time people thought lifting weights was dangerous and would enlarge the heart, stunt growth...etc. He did a lot for fitness, weight lifting and obviously bodybuilding.
i remember as a teen reading muscle and fitness mags, that my uncle had since he used to lift a lot (still does). Weider sure did a lot for bodybuilding.
I was up in the attic at my mother's house recently and found a big box of my old Muscle and Fitness magazines from the early to mid 80's. I have a subscription right now as a matter of fact. Joe was certainly THE seminal figure in bringing muscle building to mainstream acceptance.
Started with the old Weider exercise charts pinned to our shed wall when I was 10 years old (37 years ago) and as mentioned weights were considered dangerous especially to sports people. What people like Joe have done to get people active and exercising is beyond measure.