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First shave with my new Slant - very nice!


I received my 37c yesterday afternoon and shaved with it this AM. I was very careful and I resisted the temptation to try a whole bunch of new stuff today as yesterday saw the delivery of several packages from London as well!

I kept all other things "constant" except the razor. My usual set up of D.R. Harris Arlington SS, EJ-BB Brush, Astra Platinum blades, D.R. Harris Arlington AS, Cetaphil moisturizer was in play.

My usual 3 pass shave plus touch-ups with my 34c, or SuperSpeed became a 2 pass shave with the Slant.

Wow. Very close, very smooth. I had a tiny bit of redness on my neck (always a tough spot to get BBS), but it went away quickly and the shave was great.

I cut a good 10 minutes off of my shave this morning and I was able to enjoy my shave at the same time.

The Slant is what I've been missing.

YES!!! The slant is one of the best razors out there, but yet it gets a bit of a bad rap from people....
The 37C and the 34C became my fave although I started my wetshaving addiction with Gillettes which I also like a lot.

gone down south

I've been demo'ing a Slant for a few days, and I like it so far. 2 passes seems to give the same results as 3 passes with the HD.
Welcome aboard! Watch how quickly it becomes a favorite, and some of the other razors sit on the the bench!
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