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First PIF

$2012-10-15 21.36.08.jpg$2012-10-15 21.39.29.jpg Here it is first to say I would like this lot takes it. There is everything here for someone interested in wet shaving. A beginner set of razors alone with quality soaps and cream, even a couple balms and a brush scuttle. The brush is a Rudy Vey custom with Grade A silver tip 24mm fan knot set in jade material. The hair has been comprised from hot water in the scuttle (mistake) although still usable (I have used this brush a few times since with damage just slightly noticeable) I would recommend a re knot in the future. Anyone interested in a Dirty bird brush scuttle Proraso/Razorock products, entry level razors, and a custom brush is welcome. I will ship this out later this week, enjoy your day everyone.
i would like this lot (but i looks to be late!) I have a friend who has been interested in wetshaving...would have loved to get him started
Man, this is just the latest in a line of uber-generous PIF's that have been coming out lately... amazing generosity, and also makes me amazingly jealous of the collection of gear y'all must have ;-)
How's that for timing. When I saw this there were no replies from anyone who wanted it. I guess I typed my reply too slow as johns got in ahead of me. Congrats.
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