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Medium Brush Owners Club: MBOC

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Medium Brush Owners Club!! This little spot here at B&B is for those that enjoy their medium shaving brushes. The currently accepted guideline: Thank you @Rudy Vey is for those brushes that have a maximum knot diameter of 27mm. Please refer to the link below for the details.


Tiny Brush Owners Club: TBOC

What is the size cut-off for Tiny Brushes (Why did I just hear Don Ho singing? ;))? 21mm? 20mm? 19MM? Unfortunately @rockero, the OP, hasn't been seen since October 2019. :crying: In his absence I would suggest an ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM of 20mm. But I'd like the other TBOC members to chip in so...

I've used and enjoyed brushes of all types and sizes. My favorites are the smaller variety. I currently have one brush that meet this clubs criteria:
Omega 10005 24mm

Daily SOTD, commentary and discussion is most welcome.

Tiny Brush Owners Club: TBOC

What is the size cut-off for Tiny Brushes (Why did I just hear Don Ho singing? ;))? 21mm? 20mm? 19MM? Unfortunately @rockero, the OP, hasn't been seen since October 2019. :crying: In his absence I would suggest an ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM of 20mm. But I'd like the other TBOC members to chip in so...
:hand: NO, NO, NO!

Let's stick to Rudy's guidelines. So the MAXIMUM Tiny Brush Knot size is 17mm.
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