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First Catfish of the Year

I'm fortunate enough to have a creek that runs behind my parent's house. I finally had a chance to go fishing.

There were plenty of minnows splashing about. I also got to see a muskrat swimming around doing muskraty stuff. There were several big splashes further out in the creek.

Here's the tally:

1 catfish
1 small bass
3 minnow in the trap

I only bothered to take a picture of the cat. It's a shoe size 11 in length. (Got to love unscientific standards of measurement)

Good little cat. It's refreshing and highly unusual to hear from an angler who values the truth. Me? I would never have compared the fish to a known unit of measure. For example, I would have pointed out that it's lying on a 12" wide plank. In fact I would have turned the fish 90 degrees and made sure it covered parts or all of three boards. I'm firmly conviced that anglers taught 'truthfulness' to politicians early on in the development of civilization. Things went downhill from there.
I'm firmly convinced that anglers taught 'truthfulness' to politicians early on in the development of civilization.

That statement contains more humor than should be allowed by state law.

All fish got tossed back; however, next time I might be in the mood for something tasty. Catfish, beer batter, frying pan. Enough said.
Nice size. Very little fat on those smaller ones. Down South they call them "Fiddlers"...Damn good eatin..!!
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