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First Badger Brush

I just got my very first real badger brush and am about to use it for the first time tomorrow. Is there anything I should know? Anything I should to before using it because this is it's first usage? Soak it in something? Or is it OK to just go ahead and use it like I've been using my old brush for years? Thanks.
Most brushes have some kind of preservative - or something - that will turn your first couple of lather batches an off-white color. So, get to learn your new brush with the soap you will be using it with, and just rinse it all out. A few batches ought to do it. If there's a smell that won't go away, you can shampoo it, use some borax in solution, or vinegar in solution and it should go away. Don't wait to use it for the first time as you're about to shave.
What I do when I get a new brush, is first thing give it a couple of good shampoo's, then a couple of conditioner's. Rinse well, shake it a few times and set it aside to dry. Then after a couple of shaves it'll be just right. :w00t:

As it dries it'll bloom out nicely. :thumbup1:
Thanks for the advice. I shampooed my brush last night and had a great shave today. It was a treat to lather up with a nice full badger brush.
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