... and purchased the first gun in my life! My wife and I took a gun class in early April. We both had so much fun that we thought that target shooting could be a great hobby for the two of us together (plus the added benefit of home protection...). So, I applied for a Firearms ID and hand gun permits - NJ is a state where this is not quite as easy as in other states in the Union. Expecting to wait maybe 6-9 months, I was surprised when I had a voice mail after I got back from Mexico late last week: my FID and the hand gun permits were ready for pick-up at my local police. Total time was 9 days after my finger printing. Pretty much unheard of in the State of NJ.
Today we went and selected a couple of guns for us. A revolver, I thought, is a must have - I like the simplicity of them very much. So we got a S&W 686 P with 4" barrel today, and in 32 days we pick up a S&W M+P 9 mm Shield. My wife found this one to be perfectly fitting for her. It feels actually quite nice and I had a better feeling with this one than with the Glock 19 I was thinking of getting.
Today we went and selected a couple of guns for us. A revolver, I thought, is a must have - I like the simplicity of them very much. So we got a S&W 686 P with 4" barrel today, and in 32 days we pick up a S&W M+P 9 mm Shield. My wife found this one to be perfectly fitting for her. It feels actually quite nice and I had a better feeling with this one than with the Glock 19 I was thinking of getting.