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Finally caved....

...and ordered the TI Le Grelot w/ Ram's horn scales from classicshaving. I've been eyeing this one for awhile and recently sold some unneeded hones and finally decided to pull the trigger on this one.

I have 3 vintage Hospital Le Grelot's and am planning on making a 7 day set, rescaling all the vintage ones in natural scales. To go with the Ram's horn I plan on scaling them in:

Translucent Horn
Black Buffalo Horn
Honey Ox Horn
Cow Bone
Giraffe Bone

and need to think of one more....(hint - anyone want to sell me their B&B Le Grelot in pink ivory :biggrin1:)

Finished the restore of the blade of my first vintage hospital Le Grelot and am going to make a set of scales for it this week.

Planning on updating this thread with pics as I get them in! :w00t:
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Well I'm going to try to track down some Moose antler and see if I can make some scales out of that. I'll be sure to let everyone know here how that goes.
that will be an awesome set, mate.

pics of the ones you already have?

I'll get some pics later this week when they are rescaled. I have 2 of the Hospital's in hand, one in the mail and the TI in the mail.

I'm waiting on the TI Ram's horn one so that I have the scale shape in hand to copy for the rest. I want them all in that classic scale shape.

Patience :biggrin1: but I promise some Le Grelot Pron :thumbup:
This is a great idea and I am working on a similar concept myself. I'm currently up to 6 LG's. I've got 2 3/4 hollows from Martin that I rescaled in black and blonde horn, a third 3/4 (shoulderless) on the way that I plan to rescale in Snakewood, a vintage hospital 'evide sonnant' currently getting translucent horn pants by Brad / Undream, a B&B LE quarter hollow in pink ivory and in the mail is a vintage hospital 7/8 "The Lord Barber" that I haven't yet settled on scales for.
I am dense sometimes.

It was a joke? :huh: I was at the Red Dog Friday night having dinner and was eyeing the very large moose head they have on the wall and thinking about getting an antler of my own for some scales. They don't live long enough up here to shed those antlers, we shoot em and eat em. I have enough hunter friends to ask that I think I might be able to find some. I think moose antler makes pretty good knife handles, so why not razor scales? I also have a brown bear femur that might work but I hate to sacrifice it, it is a pretty cool piece of bone.

I too have ordered a Grelot, but with red stamina scales. Or I should say santa has ordered one that I believe I will get for christmas. My plan is that if I like the Grelot as much as everyone suggests, I'll rescale it with some walrus oosik I have been holding on to pending a significant project. I don't have much use for an oosik sitting around on the shelves and it should look really nice wrapped around a nice razor.
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