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ffound the perfect shave...

add a small dab of Red Heat rubbing compound to your lather and mix. It contains Menthol 10% and Methyl Salicycate. Apply to face and shave... oh boy cool fire on my face.. no irritation or razor burn. perfect close shave ever!:thumbup1:
add a small dab of Red Heat rubbing compound to your lather and mix. It contains Menthol 10% and Methyl Salicycate. Apply to face and shave... oh boy cool fire on my face.. no irritation or razor burn. perfect close shave ever!:thumbup1:
I meant Deep Heat compound
got a link of some kind?


you can find it at your local walmart.very cheap.
i certainly wouldnt want to get that stuff in a cut or on irritation

i call shenanigans on this!
We used this stuff before games and at half time in football (soccer) when I was younger to "keep warm" here in Iceland, one guy had the habbit of sticking his hands down his pants whenever he got the chance and swore that he wasn't playing pocket pool....

.... that was a lie, as we found out one time when he forgot to wash his hands after applying the cream to his legs ;)
Ran of the field and straight to the showers.

I will never put this on my face.
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