Hi I've been looking into purchasing a feather artist sr and am stuck between getting the folding or japenese style. A little over a year ago I purchaced my first (and very cheap) folding shavette. It's really hard for me to see when starting my left sideburn and find myself trying to hold it in a strait position when going against the grain on my neck and sometimes while shaving my face. It also really likes to catch the hairs which either stops my motion or cuts a little if I am not careful(thinking it's the design in how it holds the blade?) I can't really purchase both at the moment to see which I like better and was wondering if it's comfortable and easy to hold the folding version in a japenese style without it trying to pivot at the fold point and still have the option to hold it like a folding razor? I also use proraso protective shave cream and find it drying out before I have time to shave my whole face. Is it common for beginners that are a bit slow at shaving or could I possibly be lathering it up wrong?