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Show me your Artist Club razors


Thinking of Ricardo Montalban
Let's see your Artist Club razors, hair shapers, etc. Below is what I have in my arsenal.

I use all five razors, but I shave with the SS the most because I very rarely get any nicks or irritation when I use it. I think it may have something to do with that little lip above the blade, but who knows?

1. Kai Captain
2. Feather Artist Club DX
3. Feather Artist Club DX (folding)
4. Feather Artist Club SS
5. Feather Artist Club SR
You need to join the SABRE thread!

I have:

Feather DX folding
Feather SR kami
DX clone
Captain clone

The DX kami is the one on my list for eventual acquisition, then I am probably done as far as AC options are concerned. The only exception to that might be if I ever luck into one of the JDM Schick AC razors...they sure are purty.
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