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Feather Artist SS or DX? First timer here

Any difference between the one that folds and the one that does not (that resembles the old kamisori)?

Also, will these razors take a Schick Proline, or do you have to use a Feather-branded blade?

If you're buying new, then go with whichever one you like more since the price difference is likely to be very small in comparison to the peace-of-mind that you get when you get what you want.

If you're buying used, go for whichever is cheaper as they both pretty much shave the same. The kamisori is every bit as good as the folding style and objectively I think it might be better. To me it feels a bit heftier in the hand, the gummy grip is very secure even with wet, and allows you to adjust the angle by simply rolling the 'cylindricalish' handle between your fingers.


You need to either buy a cover for it (which is ~$10), flip the blade when you store it (cutting edge inside the body of the razor head), or be very careful that someone doesn't accidentally cut themselves. And that to me, is a large draw back. It's also part of what makes a kamisori-type razor what it is though.

It's difficult to choose and if you asked me which I prefer more, I'd just say I'm happy with either. Not much help I know, but just letting you know that IMHO, they're both great.
I had both. At the time the kamisori was quite a bit cheaper. I had a cover for it, but I managed to break that after about a year. I agree with chente12 that a cover is needed. I don't have kids (only well behaved dogs), but it only takes a slight mistake for the wife or a visitor to grab it wrong. When I went to look for a replacement I found out that the folder had dropped so I was able to sell my kami and pick up a folder. I prefer the folder for easy of storage and usage, but that was what I was initially interested in so I was biased.
I own both and replaced the scales on the SS folding with wood scales off one of my straights and it gives and amazing shave with a straight razor feel. I prefer the Kai Mild Pink.


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I had pretty mouch set my mind on buying a DX, but the more I research the more in doubt I get.

I have really sensitive skin prone to nicks, bumps and ingrowns. Would the SS be a better option?
The SS and DX will handle differently, but since either razor would be holding the same blade I would not expect much difference in regards to the impact on sensitive skin. I believe it comes down to gaining experience with whichever one you choose.
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