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Favourite outdoors area/spot.where you live and/or in another country. Why?

My favorite spot was a location that I stumbled upon while hiking around the rim at the head of Jemez Canyon in New Mexico about 40 years ago. It was about six feet from the edge -- a hollow worn in the rock that resembled a recliner chair. You could lay there under the pines, look down the pristine canyon, and listen to the wind blowing up the canyon. It was just loud enough to drown out any noise from the highway several hundred feet below. You could lay in that hollow and let the wind blowing through the trees lull you into a nap without worrying about rolling off the edge.

The view was similar to this, but without the foreground trees:
Nope. Height of the Rockies, In BC - barely.

That third picture down the big mountain is the back side of Joffre - so the top of that is Alberta and the other side is Kananaskis

Yep. I wan to go. Right now. What did you do to me?
The view from the summertime office ..............


Once, for about a month in the summer, I had a situation that required me to get up every morning, get dressed. Pack up lunch, snacks, drinks, table, chair, AND LAPTOP, and go up to the swimming pool. Once there, I would set up under the cabana, plug into the power, and spent the next 8 hours writing software while trying to ignore the young ladies.

Actually, I got a lot of work done. It was just pre-cell phone, and the boss had no way to interrupt me for constant updates and/or questions without driving 40 miles.
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