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Favorite Lavender Cream

I love the smell of lavender and my favorite cream is T&H Ultimate Comfort. I will soon be running out and will definitely be buying another tub in the future. Before I do, I would like to know what other lavender creams people are partial to so that I may give it a try.


B&B's Man in Italy
My favourite are RazoRock King Louis and Castle Forbes Lavender Oil, but I still have to try the latest paraben-free version of CF.

P.S. I love T&H Ultimate Comfort, too!

I have become a fan of the Trufitt Hill Rose.
I have been through all of the others.
Out of the British. I found TOBS Lavendar to be the better one for scent and performance.
I feel the Trufitt Hill is more creamy, and better performers.
I like a rose scent all my life, but have used the lavendars as well.
As I said, if you find a cream to your liking, why search anymore.
The Trufitt Hill is the better for British.
Castle Forbes I hear is nice as well.

How was the Trufitt and Hill Lavendar?

Nice day my friend
lavanda is a great cream with lanolin! it has a different lavender scent than the rest but is on par with musgo/o melhor as far as performance and lather! truly an overlooked gem for less than $10 a tube (100ml i believe).
Looks like I've got a lot of options. Lavanda sounds interesting as I'm a fan of lanolin as is SWMBO. I just remembered the Merz in the Loop has TOBS and CF so I might be able to get a sample out of them.


System Generated
Is there even a contender for Castle Forbes Lavender? I think not!

nope. my favorite as well, nice and strong. not sure MdC counts as a Lavender, but i love that one too.

RR KL is one of my favorite all around soaps. i'd like the scent to be a bit stronger, but it's nice clean, mild scent.
The only Lavender cream I have tried is Kiss My Face Lavender Shea and I really like the pump option KMF has. I have tried D.R. Harris Lavender shave stick, which i used this morning, and I really like the stick.
I've never tried one of the high end soaps to speak of. However, I love my tube of Derby Lavender cream. I got it to pad up an order someplace, along with the lemon, and both are pleasant and inexpensive. (They beat the Col Conk for sure, but not the Arko or Prorasso)
I am very fond of lavender SC and have both Castle Forbes and TOBS. I would agree with those who say that CF stands alone in the lavender SC category...it clearly does in my view. Every time I use it I think that it would be at the top of my list of the proverbial "if I could have only one SC" list.


The only Lavender cream I have tried is Kiss My Face Lavender Shea and I really like the pump option KMF has. I have tried D.R. Harris Lavender shave stick, which i used this morning, and I really like the stick.

Glad to hear you like KMF Lavender.

I must like it also being I bought 8 pump bottles two weeks ago at Whole Foods.

They were on sale.
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